Over the winter holidays, I was given a Vitruvi essential oil diffuser as part of a gift exchange, but in the holiday rush, I never got a chance to put it to good use. Then last week, I stumbled across an unopened box in my closet and decided it was time to give it a try. I had no idea how aromatherapy worked or if it was real, so I did some research.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Aromatherapy has been used for centuries. When inhaled, the scent molecules from essential oils travel up the olfactory nerve directly to the brain, specifically affecting the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center.”
Since we live in a medicine-dominated region, I wanted to know if a more homeopathic approach would actually work, so for seven days I relied solely on essential oils to influence my mood, but my amygdala had a lot of thoughts tangled up.
I used lavender, rosemary, and peppermint essential oils, which are said to be the most effective and are great for aromatherapy beginners. Using the oils with a diffuser is easy; just fill a container with water, add 20-30 drops of oil, and set the timer. I set it for 4 hours to allow the scent to take full effect.
Below I will explain how each scent felt to me.
Lavender: Insomnia, fatigue, stress, fear
I’ve known about the calming properties of lavender for years, so I was keen to try it out a few hours before bed. It seems I overestimated the benefits, and although it made my bedroom smell like a luxury hotel spa, I didn’t find myself feeling any more calm than usual around 11pm.
Rosemary: for stuffy throat and nose
No matter the season, I usually wake up with a slightly stuffy nose, but it clears up after a day. I read about the benefits of inhaling rosemary essential oil and thought it would be a good idea to try it first thing in the morning. Unlike lavender essential oil, rosemary worked immediately. I was breathing normally within minutes. No tissues were needed. I didn’t even have to stand directly over the diffuser. I simply stood near the diffuser for about 15 minutes while washing my face and brushing my teeth.
Peppermint: Mental Function and Stress
Technically, peppermint essential oil is said to boost brainpower and relieve stress, but after about an hour of inhaling it, I felt more alert than anything else. I didn’t even have my morning coffee that day. While I didn’t notice my stress levels going down (probably because I wasn’t that stressed to begin with), I did feel more focused and prepared for the day.
Overall, I think aromatherapy can work if you’re open to it. If you’re skeptical and think it won’t do anything, it probably won’t. One more tip: don’t overestimate the power of essential oils. If you’re going through an emotional breakup, lavender oil isn’t going to make you feel all right. If you haven’t slept in days, peppermint oil isn’t going to make you feel fully rested. If you have sinusitis, rosemary oil isn’t going to cure it (though it will definitely help you breathe a little easier). So, if you don’t have an essential oil diffuser, consider buying one.
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