“Look at flowers with critical insight. How would they evolve if there was no intelligence in them?” This quote by Paramahansa Yogananda perfectly encompasses the form of healing for which this feature is intended.
paramahamsa yogananda He was an Indian yogi who introduced many Westerners to meditation and a type of yoga called Kriya Yoga, which he called the supreme technique of self-actualization. His life story was introduced to humanity in the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” and has since been translated into over 25 languages. One of his direct disciples was Swami Kriyananda, founder of Ananda, a worldwide movement of spiritual intentional communities based on Paramahansa Yoganada’s World Brotherhood Colony. To this day, he continues to spread his message around the world, and in late 2007 he visited Mumbai, India.
The healing method described in this article is called Yogananda’s Spirit in Nature Essence. In his teachings, Yogananda explained that certain foods have specific spiritual effects. These essences are now available in bottles, prepared in Gurgaon, Haryana, India, and available to everyone.
What’s interesting is that these essences don’t actually contain any fruit, flower, or vegetable ingredients. Rather, it contains just the vibrations of fruits and vegetables. It is a kind of energetic signature imprinted in these essences, an herbal infusion that actually brings out within us the positive qualities that are part of our true self. What is noteworthy is that the essence is prepared using the elements of sunlight, pure spring water, and blooming flowers.
Most people are familiar with homeopathy, which essentially uses many animal, plant, and mineral substances for treatment. Then there are Bach flower remedies, which are diluted flower materials. Simply put, Yogananda’s method of making flower essences is similar, but contains only the vibrational traces of vegetables, fruits, and flowers.
In today’s hectic life, most of us tend to get caught up in the rat race, forget our true nature, and become steeped in negative qualities. This makes it easy to lose balance and, as a result, lose focus.
Ancient yogic teachings state that the food you eat influences your state of consciousness. Therefore, one of his teachings that has been passed down by Paramahamsa his Yogananda is the preparation of such essences, and now these infusions are available to all who wish to improve their lives and state of mind. available for.
These herbal spiritual infusions are available in 20 different essences based on the qualities you wish to cultivate. 3-4 drops should be placed under the tongue 4 times a day, at least 15 minutes before or after meals. Alternatively, you can apply 3-4 drops of essence on your wrist. However, this healing process is only effective and greatly enhanced when combined with the specific affirmations listed in the essence box. Therefore, it will be especially beneficial to take the first intake in the morning after meditation.
Avocado means good memory, grapes represent divine love and devotion, strawberries represent dignity, cherries represent cheerfulness, tomatoes represent spiritual strength, and raspberries represent compassion. Each of these boxes has an affirmation printed about a positive quality.
When saying affirmations, you must do it with focus and intention. Say it out loud a few times, then repeat it in your mind, focusing on the area of your forehead between your eyes and visualizing a golden light there.
It is best to start with the pear essence for peace and emergency preparedness, and then move on to other qualities you want to cultivate using intuition or “hunch”. He also recommends working on one quality at a time.
It’s not just us adults who benefit from this wonderful form of healing. Infants, children, pets, and even plants respond well.
I had the opportunity to become acquainted with this form of healing when I decided to spontaneously attend a short seminar with very kind Italians Deborah and Claudio Gregorelli. To sum up the seminar, I was able to meet many like-minded people, do energy practices and chanting, and I felt completely at peace with myself, and I had the best Sunday in a long time. I can truly say that it was one. – A feeling you haven’t experienced in a long time!