Time Sofindia Last Updated – June 18, 2023, 00:00 IST
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summer natural remedies
As summer approaches, we are reminded of the scorching heat of India. Heat rash, dehydration, and thirst are just some of the problems that can occur during this time. There are ways to combat the heat using natural remedies and yoga. If you want to get ready for summer, consider practicing these natural remedies and yoga techniques to stay healthy and cool.
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avoid ice and cold drinks
Dr Rajeev Rajesh, Chief Yoga Officer, Jindal Nature Cure Institute, Bangalore says, A sudden temperature difference can shock the body and cause digestive problems in the future. Drink coconut water or chamomile tea instead. ”
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Consume foods that cool your body
To survive the heat, we recommend consuming foods that have a cooling effect on your body. Bitter, sweet, and astringent foods are especially effective.
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Avoid foods that warm your body
It is best to avoid foods that increase body temperature. Spicy foods such as chili peppers, chili peppers, curries, and salsas should be consumed in moderation.
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Make yoga a part of your lifestyle
According to Dr. Rajesh, “Yoga has a variety of asanas that help with natural body temperature regulation, making it an effective way to stay cool during the summer months. Practicing these asanas daily can make a big difference and help you stay cool and comfortable. Here are some yoga asanas you can try during the summer: Sinhasana, Tadasana, Shitali Pranayama, Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.”
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Also read: How to do face yoga to reduce double chin