You’ve probably never heard of Bach Flower Therapy. I didn’t know either until recently. But with the big boom in essential oils and essences we’ve seen, we were immediately intrigued by this homeopathic wellness trend that uses natural methods to limit everyday hassles like stress and lack of sleep. It was done. Even Hollywood celebrities such as Salma Hayek, Emma Watson, and Jennifer Aniston have said they use Bach flower remedies for their calming effects and staying calm under pressure. To find out what the hype is all about (and what exactly it is), I consulted an expert.
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Bach Flower was developed in the 1930s by a naturopathic doctor named Dr. Edward Bach. “He was a physician who believed that physical illness stemmed from emotional imbalance,” says Alexis Smart, a flower essence practitioner and founder of her namesake flower remedies company. “He found that ingesting flower essences had a very positive impact on mood. Once emotional balance was restored, the body began to heal naturally from illness.” Energy Healer and Holistic Health Practitioner Carolyn Harrington of Schoner added, “He was a true innovator because he developed these before energy healing became very popular.”
Harrington explains that Bach Flowers (there are 38 of them) are simply flower essences. “What that means is that when you take a plant, put it in water, and put that water in the sunlight, the essence of the plant goes into the water (the water is preserved in the organic alcohol). But , Dr. Bach discovered that various plants can help alleviate a variety of negative conditions and emotions, including anxiety, insomnia, and lack of energy.
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However, if you think that all you have to do is buy a flower, put it in water, and drink it, unfortunately, that is far from the case. “that teeth what someone can do “Some people make their own Bach flower remedies, but the process is so complicated that I don’t recommend doing that,” advises Harrington. “Ready-made Bach Flower (Flower Essence Liquid from Bach Flower Association) is easily available at health food stores and online at To use, add a few drops to water and drink. No need to buy plants. No.” Smart says you can also take the essence by putting four drops under your tongue, but this is common.

If you’re wondering whether Bach flower can help, Harrington says all kinds of people can take advantage of its healing properties in some way. “Everyone can benefit because our emotions directly impact our health. Dealing with negative emotions such as worry, fear, stress, and fear can have a negative impact on your health. You may not know it at first, but if you don’t deal with negative emotions, something may manifest as a disease in the future.Therefore, these batches of flowers are meant to help you deal with negative emotions and improve your system. It helps eliminate it from.”
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The most popular Bach flower essence is Rescue Remedy (a blend of Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, and Clematis), which is used when you are nervous or have experienced a frightening event. “People take this for a variety of reasons. Maybe they have exam anxiety, and they can take it before an exam to feel calmer,” Harrington explains.
One of the big questions we’ve been wondering (and I’m sure you have too) is, are they safe? “The beauty of Bach Flower is that it’s very safe because it’s just water,” Harrington explains. “They can’t hurt. There’s nothing chemical about them.”
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As with many homeopathic treatments, the scientific community is not completely convinced of its effectiveness and has struggled to prove its benefits. A randomized clinical trial conducted by the NIH in 2010 showed no difference between flower remedies and a placebo. However, it is not intended for medicinal purposes, as believers of this method claim. Harrington says: “Taking medication doesn’t make the emotion go away. It slowly detoxes that emotion. It doesn’t change your situation. It just changes your perception of the situation.”