Julianne Hough getting energy healing.
photograph: @Jackie Schimmel/Instagram
Every year, billionaires and humble billionaires from around the world gather in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss pressing global issues at the World Economic Forum. This year, teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg took to the stage to discuss the urgent need to combat climate change, and Donald Trump compared Elon Musk to Thomas Edison in an Instagram post. According to Tako’s video: bitch bible podcast host Jackie Schimmel; dance with the stars Star Julianne Hough had negative energy pulled out of her butt.
During the demonstration, which appears to have taken place in a space called the “Equality Lounge,” chiropractor and bodyworker John Amaral talked about the body’s nervous system and the great relief and release that comes with dissipating energy, while: Mr. Hough was convulsing and writhing on the massage table in front of him.
At one point, Amaral appears to channel something invisible (perhaps energy) down Huff’s neck and through his spine, pulling it out of the seat of his brown leather slacks. When you do this, Huff groans and screams.
“Emotional expression can occur when the system is activated,” Amaral explains.
Huff continued to groan, then stumbled off the table, arching her back stiffly like some kind of healthy Linda Blair.
These results may not be typical, Amaral told the crowd, but tragically it appears the results were not filmed. Hough, a dancer and actress, practices “just allowing things to pass,” he says. Most people – “especially in Davos” – don’t make such noises, which causes pain and tension to build up in their bodies.
In a testimonial posted on Amaral’s website, Huff said, “I am forever grateful to have John by my side as he helped me physically, emotionally and energetically return to my essence. “I’m doing it,” he wrote.
His other followers include Gwyneth Paltrow, who has cast a healer in her new Netflix show. goop laband said, “The first time John worked on me, I really just cried.”
Do you think other Davos 2020 attendees, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, also had negative energy coming out of their butts between sessions? If you have a video of it, please email it to me as soon as possible.