When you think of protein powder, what’s the first image that comes to mind? Perhaps a jacked guy having a post-workout shake? It’s time to repair the image of protein powders.
“Women may actually be more likely to benefit from protein powders than men,” says Marie Spano, RD, a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Protein powder can help fill in the gaps. ”
After all, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that the average woman consumes about 46 grams of protein per day, but experts say active women or women trying to lose weight , who think you may need more protein to keep your muscles strong and your metabolism active. For example, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend that athletes consume 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. For a woman weighing 140 pounds, her daily protein intake will be between 76 and 108 grams.
Getting that much protein can be difficult when you’re short on time, eating on the run, or trying to cut back on your meat habit. That’s where protein powder comes in. Mix it into your shakes or smoothies to reach your protein goals wherever you are. On the other hand, sprinkling the powder on pancake batter or soup, or putting it on top of oatmeal can also help make every meal or snack high in protein.
“When cutting back on calories, women actually need more protein than if they were to eat enough calories to maintain their weight,” Spano says. “Weight loss involves fat, muscle, and a small amount of bone. Of course, you want to lose more fat and less muscle. To do this, to avoid loss of muscle tissue, You need to increase the amount of protein you consume.”
Additionally, consuming some of your daily protein in powdered form can save you a ton of calories. Protein powder turns out to be the lowest calorie way to get protein. That’s because protein powder contains almost no fat or carbohydrates, and all of its calories come from protein, Fear says. Expect to consume only 4 calories per gram. That’s something even very lean chicken breasts can’t claim.
Learn how to make protein-packed snacks.
On the other hand, when you’re working hard at the gym, protein powder can change your results from “so-so” to “amazing.” Drinking a protein smoothie after a workout gives you the mix of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins you need to build lean muscle and get stronger, faster, and healthier, says Dr. says Dr. Georgie Fear, author of . Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss.
Shake it this way
One of the most common (and convenient) ways to consume protein powder is by adding it to pre- or post-workout shakes or smoothies, Fear says. “Mixing protein powder into your shake before a workout makes for an easy-to-digest meal that won’t be too heavy on your stomach. However, filling up a 32-ounce blender during burpees can be difficult to keep in check. , we recommend keeping the volume low. After your workout, pairing whey protein with potassium-rich fruits like bananas and strawberries can help with recovery.
After a tough workout, Fear recommends consuming a mix of carbohydrates and protein. Aim for at least her intake of 15 grams of protein. “If you’re hungry, it’s okay to eat more protein. It can help manage your appetite after exercise,” she says.
On the other hand, if you drink a smoothie instead of a full meal, we recommend consuming 25 to 30 grams of protein per glass. “Most brands of the most popular types of whey protein come with a scoop that typically measures out 1 ounce of powder to provide 20 to 25 grams of protein. When mixed with milk, kefir, or yogurt, Adding nuts, nutbetter, flax, hemp, or chia seeds to your diet can add healthy fats to your diet and keep you full for a full four to six hours, she says. It states that you can also mix in vegetables and fruits at the same time (take it easy (if you don’t eat fruit, you might end up consuming too much sugar and calories), but it’s also good for carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. It will help you meet your needs.
What type of protein do I need?
Before you get caught up in the whey/casein/soy/pea/rice/hemp debate, stop. “Whey derived from cow’s milk has been proven to be more effective at promoting muscle protein synthesis, is more affordable, and has the best taste in my opinion,” says Fear. to use it. ”
There are two possible reasons: you plan to use the protein powder as a meal replacement (not before or after a workout), and you’re vegan. In this case, it is recommended. Essential Living Foods Organic Vegan Protein Supplement Powder ($39.95, rodales.com) or Sprout Living Organic Epic Protein Powder – Green Kingdom ($30, rodales.com) From the parent company’s email site. Casein is also derived from milk, and like whey, it contains all the amino acids your body needs, and it’s digested more slowly than whey (which means it can keep you fuller longer), says Dr. Eileen Weinheimer House. says. ., RD, Scientific Manager at Glanbia Performance Nutrition. For vegans, on the other hand, soy is a great post-workout option because it digests quickly and gets amino acids right where you need them. Also, unlike other plant sources such as rice, hemp, and peas, soybeans contain all the essential amino acids.
If you’re lactose intolerant, simply choosing whey protein isolate over whey protein concentrate can alleviate, if not eliminate, stomach upset and gas, Fear says.
No matter what type of protein you choose, it is most important to read the back label. Fear recommends looking for protein powders with less than 5 grams of carbohydrates and less than 2 grams of fat per serving. It also needs to list protein as the first ingredient, Weinheimerhaus says. She advises avoiding bathtubs that list “added amino acids” among their ingredients. “These amino acids are much cheaper than whole proteins such as whey, and may not have the same benefits,” she says. Other fillers to avoid include wheatgrass, apple fiber, maltodextrin, and cellulose. They’re typically used as cheap bulking agents and only rob you of the protein you really need, Fear says.
Ready to increase your protein intake to build more muscle and burn more fat? Get started with these four great protein shakes.