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When we think of hypnotherapy, we usually think of it as a practice of the mind rather than the body.
But as Dr. Brad Leitch told Felicity Hurley on Body+Soul’s Healthy-ish podcast, “More and more practitioners are actually referring to gut hypnotherapists, and these days it’s very It’s becoming trendy.”
Mr. Leach has already seen amazing success with his own patients who have turned to hypnotherapy to address gastrointestinal symptoms, rather than the traditional diet-only approach.
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What does science say about gut hypnotherapy?
In fact, Dr. Leach explained, there is scientific evidence to support the concept of gut hypnotherapy. Dr. Leach has just designed a short course on advanced gut health for Endeavor University.
“There is the concept of a low-FODMAP diet, but this is a very restrictive diet and involves high amounts of dietary fiber that can be fermented, leading to gut-related issues,” he noted.
“Right now, they have a number of different studies showing that gut hypnotherapy is as effective as a low FODMAP diet in treating IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
“From a practitioner’s point of view, this is great because giving patients a low FODMAP diet is not only not very good for the microbiome in the gut, it’s actually very restrictive and many This is because the patient may have a hard time following the diet. “
Patients are turning to gut hypnotherapy to address gastrointestinal symptoms as opposed to traditional diet-only approaches.Image: Pixel
How does gut hypnotherapy work?
Dr. Leach explained this as the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire in response to stimuli.
“We basically have the ability to change the nervous system’s response to different stimuli,” he told Hurley.
“This is the concept of gut-brain access, which is a two-way link between the brain and the gut and how they can influence and communicate with each other. So the mind By working on this, we can continue to improve intestinal-related symptoms.” ”
Sounds pretty simple, but how does it work?
Here’s how to get gut hypnotherapy
First of all, you need to consult a gut specialist. After conducting an extensive examination, the specialist will refer you to a hypnotherapist.
Incredibly, you may not even need to meet a hypnotherapist in person to experience results. You can subscribe to an app that provides gut hypnotherapy sessions anytime and anywhere.
Dr. Leach explained that in-person appointments involve seeing a gut hypnotherapist for one hour every week for six to 10 weeks, while those using the app will see you for 20 minutes every night for six to eight weeks. several weeks.
Incredibly, you may not even need to meet a hypnotherapist in person to experience results. You can subscribe to an app that provides gut hypnotherapy sessions anytime and anywhere. Image: iStock
Both in-person and app sessions may differ, but all sessions should use techniques such as visualization, mindfulness practices, and suggestion therapy. For professionals and patients alike, the key is to tap into the subconscious mind and make patients more open to suggestions for improving bowel function.
If you’re skeptical, consider this. Dr. Leach wants you to ask yourself if you’ve ever had a nervous poop. Well, I think you are too. This is an example of how the mind and gut are neurologically connected.
Dr. Leach says that gut hypnotherapy is most appropriate for people diagnosed with IBS, as well as those with chronic constipation, bloating, indigestion, and even anxiety. However, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is best to consult your GP first.