Licensed Naturopath in California
Sacramento, CaliforniaGovernor Gray Davis signed SB 907 into law, allowing naturopathic physicians to become licensed as independent practitioners who can diagnose, treat and help prevent disease. The regulations took effect on January 1, 2004, with licenses expected to be issued beginning in the second half of 2004. California is the 13th state to allow graduates of accredited naturopathic institutions to obtain medical licensure.
This regulation allows NDs to perform physical and laboratory exams for diagnostic purposes, draw blood, and order laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging studies. They can also dispense non-prescription products such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, homeopathic remedies, and natural and synthetic hormones. Additionally, they can work with MDs or DOs to prescribe medications, under similar supervision requirements as nurse practitioners.
The bill would not allow NDs to practice any medical practice that requires a license in California, such as acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The new regulations would require NDs to complete 60 hours of continuing education every six months and be recertified 10 years after they were initially licensed. Additionally, anyone who uses a title such as ND or naturopath without a license would be charged with a misdemeanor.
The Board of Naturopathic Medicine, established under SB 907, will establish the rules, regulations, fees, and procedures necessary to carry out the provisions of the law. Until current naturopathic physicians are licensed, they will be required to practice under the Medical Practice Act established in SB 577.
The regulations are subject to a two-year study to evaluate NDs’ current education and training. Recommendations for improving ND education or training are expected to be submitted to the California Legislature by January 1, 2006.
Following the news, Washington-based Bastyr University announced it would open a California branch. “California is a pioneering state, and medical licensure there will have a ripple effect across the nation,” said Dr. Thomas Shepherd, president of Bastyr University.