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1. Make sure the shoes fit

This should be common sense, but the first step to preventing chafing (and subsequent blisters) is choosing the right shoe size. “Women can be indifferent about size, even when it comes to shoe size,” Yoshida says. So you don’t have to worry about buying a size 8 pair if a size 8 fits you, even if you’re normally 7 inches. Conversely, don’t tell yourself that a size 8 fits just because the store doesn’t have a size 7 for her. If you have bunions, choose wider ones or go to a shoe store to have them stretched before you wear them. “They put a little pocket in the shoe where your bunion is,” she says.
Related: 3 ways to make your expensive shoes last longer
2. Swipe on antiperspirant

Pit sticks are effective in preventing more than just BO, Kazin says, and can also prevent foot blisters. That’s because antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants) reduce sweating, and sweaty feet increase the amount of friction and catching on your feet, she says. Masu. Apply it all over your feet, let it dry, and then put on your new shoes. She does however recommend that she invest in her second bottle of antiperspirant. No one wants their armpits to smell like feet.
3. Have a dress rehearsal

Aside from breaking them all in, Yoshida says wearing shoes around the house can help you find your “hot spots,” or the places where your shoes rub against your feet. Once you know the potential problem areas (it takes about 30 minutes to put on), you can move on to his next two tips.
Related: Find the perfect shoe for your workout
4. Lube up

Eliminating friction will also eliminate blisters. Therefore, prevention of blisters is important. band aid friction blister block stick ($8.15, Amazon.comand even anti-chafe products for runners.body glide ($7.29, Amazon.com), is convenient, says Kazin. These all smooth the skin and reduce friction. Try applying it to your hot spots before leaving the house.
Related:6 causes of foot pain
5. Add padding

According to Yoshida, blister patches, whether applied to the shoe or to the foot, help keep the shoe in the correct position and prevent chafing.try Dr. Scholl’s Friction Relief Strips ($9.99, Amazon.com) or Compeed Blister Relief Pack Adhesive Plaster ($8.48, Amazon.com). It’s also a good idea to carry a Band-Aid in your bag the first few times you go out with your shoes on. If any part of her foot starts to rub, she says, put a Band-Aid on her.
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