When I was thinking about what to write about this Easter time, I started researching the healing properties of the longhorn lily.Longhorn lily). This flower and its beautiful scent is what I remember most from my childhood Easter. I remember seeing this flower prominently featured on Easter bonnets and corsages with new dresses, but I have never explored this plant beyond its symbolic use for its beauty. did.
What I found was pretty surprising. The white lily, or longhorn lily, has long been used in European and traditional Chinese medical traditions. The main use of this plant is as a flower essence or tincture made from the flowers, but the bulb (called “baihe”) is also used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Photo credit: Dawn Combs |
Lily bulbs are well known as food and medicine in China. It is used to remove body heat and treat chronic sore throats, dry noses, wheezing, etc.
There are many interesting ways in which the lily can treat the emotional and mental body. Of course, the emotional part of healing is important, but here we will focus only on how flowers affect our physical body.
Flower essences and flower tinctures made from the lily can be used for many problems arising from mucus and energy “clogs”. It may be effective for respiratory diseases where persistent cough persists for a long time. It may also be effective for people who are prone to cysts or soft tumors somewhere in their body.
Longhorn lily is most effective for cysts of the breast, uterus, and ovaries. This beautiful flower is symbolically associated with the Virgin Mary and has symbolized hope, purity, virtue, life, and motherhood throughout the world. It is no coincidence that there appears to be considerable healing for women in this plant.
Written by renowned herbalist Matthew Wood herbal wisdom book (North Atlantic Books, 1997) recommends taking three drops of a flower tincture or flower essence two to three times a day. He suggests that this treatment shows results very quickly and provides the best cleansing of the reproductive system.
We might all look at lilies a little differently this year. If you received a flower essence for Easter, pick one of the flowers and make your own flower essence. Flower essences can be easily made at home by simply floating flowers on the surface of pure spring water in a crystal bowl. Place the bowl in a sunny spot and let it sit for a few hours. Once the essence is collected, it is mixed with a small amount of alcohol to preserve it and taken several times a day. Once it has finished flowering, you can plant it in your garden. In colder parts of the country, a little extra mulch will help them survive the winter and continue to bloom for years.
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