The summer solstice is approaching. You may be preparing to celebrate the longest day with some homemade rituals you’ve cherished for years. Or maybe you’re subconsciously excited about trying it for the first time.
These can be as simple as collecting fragrant herbs from your garden. We turned to a spiritualist to try out some home rituals and traditions to help you get the most out of the summer solstice, which he said will help you make the most of the summer solstice on June 21st.
What is the summer solstice?
The summer solstice occurs on June 21st, when the Earth’s axis tilts closest to the sun, the longest day of the year. Traditionally, this time of year focuses on light and spirituality, finding different ways to get in touch with nature through ancient rituals from sunrise to sunset.
Renowned psychic Inver Honigman shares some insight into what the summer solstice means: Nature is the only “god” of the summer solstice, since the summer solstice is the day when the longest day and shortest night naturally arrive.
“The summer solstice is associated with feats of strength as the sun reaches its zenith. Tug of war is a traditional midsummer pastime, symbolizing the struggle between the waxing and waning years.
“This day is the day when the “waning moon,” when the first day of the year is longer than before, and the “waning” period of the year, when the day is slightly shorter than before, so it is considered a day related to marriage. It had been. .
“This period is also considered a period of fertility, and single people will have good luck if they look for a partner in midsummer.”
“Naturally, on the summer solstice, it is common to observe the sunrise on the longest day accompanied by drums and songs.”

Inbar Honigman is a popular media psychic, astrology writer, and Pisces tarot reader. She makes prophecies on TV and radio. She also writes a horoscope page. Elle magazine and Elle Girl Japan. She was born in Israel and lives in the UK.
How to celebrate the summer solstice at home
1. Collect herbs and flowers
(Image credit: Salsay Bill Morrison)
Gathering herbs, cut flowers, and essential oils is a great way to celebrate the summer solstice.
“Choose a selection of fresh flowers and fragrant herbs that resonate with the vibrant energy of summer,” advises Morgan Garza, CMO of Saged.
The summer solstice is dominated by seasonal healing plants. A collection of common Celtic plants associated with midsummer have associations with magical and healing powers. Dried and fresh herbs include St. John’s wort, vervain, yarrow, fern, artemisia, chamomile, and thyme, all available at Walmart.
These herbs can be set on fire (in a traditional summer solstice fire pit or simply lit candles).
If you want to get happiness and protection, you can use Gya Labs Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil. For sensuality, organic ylang-ylang is a commonly used essential oil, and both are available on Amazon.
Flowers that represent the summer season, such as sunflowers, fragrant roses, and jasmine, are perfect for summer solstice flowers.
You may also want to create an altar with the flowers and herbs you have collected. This is traditionally done to honor Mother Earth. Get creative with your decorations by using all kinds of herbs, flowers, fabrics, and colors. If you have an arts and crafts drawer at home, you might want to look for ribbons, string, pipe cleaners, candles, and more.
Citrine, garnet, and carnelian are ideal crystals to use during this time of year, as they absorb light energy from the sun, making them perfect for the summer solstice. You can find all of these on Amazon.

Morgan Garza is an author, teacher, entrepreneur, and community leader. She embodies the divine feminine here and inspires you to become your own guru by stepping out of the darkness of fear and into the light of activated consciousness with her steps. I’ll give it to you. As her CMO of Sagged, she intimately and intentionally interweaves spirituality and the world of business.
2. Make a mandala
(Image source: Getty Images)
You can collect flowers, leaves, twigs, and anything else found in nature to create a mandala on your floor. Mandala represents the cycle of life and the connection of all things, and is the most ideal image of the universe and a symbol of joy. If you’re planning on going for a sunrise walk, this might be the perfect time to collect these items for your celebration.
To create a mandala, create a symmetrical design from a center point outward. This may look like a ring of flowers surrounded by a zigzag pattern of twigs surrounded by pine cones.
3. Celebrate with a (safety first) bonfire.
(Image credit: Neptune)
What better way to celebrate the power of the sun and light than by lighting up your backyard fire pit? Assuming it’s allowed and done safely in your area… .
“Lighting bonfires on hills in honor of the sun is a tradition seen throughout antiquity, and in fact some European towns and villages have revived this tradition,” said Inbar Honigman, a well-known psychic. ”.
Relive the magic of the summer solstice by burning sacred woods and herbs, such as Palo Santo Sticks from Walmart.
After the fire has naturally extinguished, you can make the most of its ashes and use them in rituals on other occasions, or even use them as fertilizer for your garden.
Focus on setting your intentions and affirmations by celebrating with all your friends and family over delicious food and drinks, or by building a peaceful bonfire alone or in a small group.
4. Use a prayer tree to set affirmations
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The summer solstice is a great opportunity to take a moment and ask yourself what you want in your life, what you don’t want (bad habits, energy), and how you can make changes. Get inspired and write down your future goals.
Andrea Donnelly is a spiritual mentor, quantum sound and energy healer, we are here 2 remember Guide: “First, sit somewhere quiet. Do this indoors or outdoors and create a small altar with your favorite flowers, crystals, or photos of your loved ones. Light a candle if you have one. You can also just be in the moment, and all the things that this solstice ritual serves your highest and brightest good and are no longer aligned with your highest timeline as part of the process. Set an intention to release.
“Grab a pen and paper and quiet your mind,” suggests Morgan Garza, CMO at Saged. Please reflect on your aspirations for the upcoming season. Write down your intentions, dreams, and goals clearly and intentionally. Capture the essence of what you are trying to express and cultivate in your life and let the words flow from your heart. ”
She continues, “Pick up a piece of paper with your intentions written on it and gently ignite it with a candle.” As the paper turns to ashes, your intentions will be released into the universe by the alchemical power of fire. Visualize it happening. Think about the transformative potential inherent in letting go and surrendering your intentions. ”
Another way to solidify your wishes and intentions is to create a prayer tree. To do this, collect branches from the tree. Perhaps any tree that has meaning to you will do. Next, write your wishes and intentions on paper or bark, tie them to a branch with ribbon or string, and place them outside in a spot that receives sunlight during the day.
Since different trees have different meanings, you may want to specifically choose which type of wood to use for your prayer tree. Do this to match what works best for you and your affirmations.
The oak tree is considered the king of the forest, the gateway to the mystical realm and the dark cycle of the upcoming new year.
The beech tree is the sacred tree of the summer solstice, considered the queen of the forest, and for the druids symbolizes ancient wisdom. In folklore, it was believed that if you wrote a wish on a beech twig and buried it, your wish would come true as the twig decayed over time.
Mistletoe is believed to have healing and fertility powers.
Hazel trees are believed to have magical powers that protect against evil spirits and are also associated with fertility.
It is believed that poplar trees have a spiritual connection to the afterlife and can convey messages from this world to the next. Historically, shields were made from poplar wood, so they were also used as protection against evil.
Finding a tree branch that matches your wishes and needs, or collecting different branches, can help you tap into the spirituality of this summer solstice ritual.

Andrea Donnelly is a business mentor, quantum sound and energy healer, and CEO of We Are Here 2 Remember. She jokes that she has “20 years of independent PhD research in healing,” including energy work, Akashic Records, flower essences, herbal medicine, and sound healing. Her mentorship process combines her background in finance and entrepreneurship with her unique intuition and spiritual IQ to quantum shift clients into new (and desired) timelines. Let me do it.
5. Plant flowers and embrace the earth
(Image credit: Becky Searle)
Getting in touch with the earth is an important aspect of the summer solstice, and it’s the perfect opportunity for avid gardeners to give their gardens some love.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, so if the sky is clear, this is the day most likely to expose your plants to the most light of the year. This is the time of year when long-day plants that enjoy the sun for long periods of time grow most vigorously.
Take advantage of the summer solstice, which marks the height of summer, to plant late summer flowers that will last through the summer and into early fall. At Walmart, you can also commemorate the occasion by incorporating summer solstice flowers into your garden by planting sunflower seeds or rose seeds.
How can you help your children celebrate the summer solstice?
This is a great idea for people who like fairies or have children. Leaving out treats like cakes, cookies, and brownies for the fairies is a fun way to add some magic to your garden.
Crystals can be a wonderful addition to your altar, adding sparkle as well as adding spiritual energy. Follow the advice of a spiritualist expert on how to use crystals at home.