You may have a lot of preconceived notions about hypnosis, but don’t worry – pregnancy hypnosis won’t make you lose control or make you think you’re a different person. Hypnosis is actually about harnessing the power of the mind, and in some cases, it can ease the pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
Many mothers also find it to be a relaxing way to release some of the anxiety that comes with pregnancy, making them feel empowered.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a method of altering consciousness, where the subconscious mind (feelings, memories, emotions) comes to the fore while the conscious mind (reason) takes a back seat for a while.
Hypnosis involves music, calming images, guided visualization, etc. When the analytical part of your mind is relaxed, you are more receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations.
How does hypnosis work?
Birth hypnosis, also known as hypnobirthing, is a technique that uses the power of suggestion to ease a pregnant woman’s fears in order to make pregnancy and birth less stressful and potentially less painful. This technique works by targeting the parts of the brain that help you deal with fear and anxiety.
Many women use hypnosis to ease the pain of childbirth. The theory behind using hypnosis during labor is this: When you feel scared, your body responds by releasing adrenaline, a hormone that makes tense muscles tense up even more, which means your uterus has to work harder to contract and relax.
An effective hypnotic state helps regulate your breathing, allowing more oxygen to reach you and your baby. Stress can slow down labour by disrupting the production of oxytocin (the hormone that controls contractions) and endorphins (those natural feel-good chemicals that runners often talk about).
Staying relaxed will help maintain the release of oxytocin to make labour more effective with the ultimate goal of reducing pain.

Is it safe to be hypnotized during pregnancy?
Hypnosis during pregnancy is safe and will not harm you or your baby. However, if you’re thinking about undergoing hypnosis during labour, you should be skeptical of any technique that promises you won’t feel any pain at all. You’ll be very disappointed and it may only increase your anxiety.
And as with any alternative therapy, be sure to discuss your hypnotherapy plans with your doctor in advance so you are both on the same page when it comes time to give birth. Remember, hypnotherapy is not a last-minute option. To be effective, you need to learn (and practice) the techniques well before labor begins.
When should I start practicing Hypnobirthing?
Relieving fears and anxieties surrounding birth doesn’t usually happen overnight – it takes time to release years of stress, which is why hypnobirthing classes often begin several months before your baby is born.
In the lead up to the big day, the classes also provide a deeper understanding of the birth experience, allow parents to choose where they want to give birth (hospital, birthing center or home), teach them what to expect once labour starts and also provide tips for a healthy pregnancy and birth with minimal or no interventions.
This could be perfect for moms-to-be who are considering a natural birth, and it’s also a great tool to help your partner envision what your big day will look like long before the birth approaches.
Classes typically meet in person once a week, and involve listening to daily hypnosis and relaxation recordings to help prepare you for birth. The cost is around $300, depending on where you live.
For many, one of the main stresses surrounding birth is trying to control something that is so unpredictable, and while hypnosis can be extremely helpful for mothers-to-be as they approach the day of birth, it doesn’t promise a pain-free birth or that it will go exactly to the birth plan you had in mind months ago.
However, hypnosis is a great technique for mothers who are scared or anxious about giving birth and want to feel more relaxed when labor actually begins.
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