Are you feeling older than you really are because of the pain and discomfort caused by stubborn, chronic health conditions? Dr. Lucas Brown of DAOM, Louisiana, speaks at Studio 512, his clinic in Rosedale. He talked about how acupuncture and wellness is “turning back the clock” and making patients look 10 to 15 years younger.
I hear you love your job.
“Yes, that’s right. It’s no exaggeration to say that I think I have the best job in the world. By treating stubborn conditions that plague others, I’m able to… We help people take back their lives. Sadly, our patients tend to be told to “just get on with it” and have been seen by countless doctors and specialists. However, while they may prescribe medication in hopes of addressing the symptoms, they do not provide an actual long-term solution. . These patients always feel much older than their actual age. It’s like working in a time machine. Rewind time 10 or 15 years. It’s a great job. ”
What kind of treatments do you often perform at your clinic?
“What I want to treat, and what I think we do best, are the things that others have given patients no hope for, and they are chronic, complex patients. “Oh, you’re just getting older, that’s part of getting older…or are you already taking 15 It’s just another pill to add to the pill…or you have to live with it, take it already.”
“Those are not answers that I think are workable. That’s why we’ve been trying to crack the code on a lot of these. I love Western medicine. Western medicine is a sure-fire solution in any emergency situation. It saves lives. But in chronic situations, it tends to get a little stuck.
“Western medicine ends up with the pinky acting as if it were a pinky by itself…or the ear acting as if it were an ear by itself…or the nose acting as if it were a pinky by itself…or the nose acting as if it were a pinky by itself…or the nose acting as if it were an ear by itself… They act as if they were independent. But what we do here at Rosedale Acupuncture & Wellness is to treat the whole person as a whole. Treating the pinky, ear, and nose in isolation is No. And that’s part of the reason we get the results we get.
“In my clinic, we treat many types of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy affects approximately 20 million people. They use a lot of the same adjectives. They’ll say they’re walking on glass or walking with socks bunched up under their toes even though there’s nothing there. Nights are the worst, and when night falls they don’t want to go to bed. I hear from many patients that their feet hurt even when wearing bed sheets.
“Our concerns are balance and the possibility of falls, as people with peripheral neuropathy may have difficulty even walking on wooden floors. Depending on their age, healing can be very difficult. , we want to intervene.”
What else do you do besides acupuncture?
“We do a lot more than just acupuncture at our clinic. We don’t know how to include all of this in a name, so we just call ourselves Rosedale Acupuncture and Wellness. actually combines ancient acupuncture techniques with many very new, cutting-edge techniques.
“I don’t think a lot of our treatments actually have acupuncture as the star. They’re just supporting characters. And one of these other treatments is getting attention as the star there. So it looks a little different for everyone, which is why we encourage everyone. If you’ve been elsewhere and nothing worked, give us a call. Please come here and we will discuss it with you. Each treatment plan is unique for each patient, and we will do our best to deliver great results.”
Call (512) 623-1996 or visit to set up your free consultation today.
This segment is paid for by Rosedale Acupuncture & Wellness and is for advertising purposes. The opinions expressed by guests on this program are their own and are not endorsed by the television station.