Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a very diverse field. This includes approaches such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and homeopathy.
Many people use some type of CAM. In fact, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) estimates that:
Many people use CAM to promote overall health and wellness, while others use it as a treatment or therapy. People who use her CAM to treat health conditions may experience a reaction called a healing crisis.
But what exactly is a healing crisis? What causes it? And how long will it last? We answer all these questions and more, so keep reading below.
A healing crisis is a temporary worsening of symptoms after starting CAM treatment. Sometimes called homeopathic aggravation, detoxification reaction, or purification reaction.
In a healing crisis, symptoms temporarily worsen before they begin to improve. This is different from treatment side effects, which are adverse or unwanted reactions that do not improve with continued treatment.
Estimates of how common healing crises are vary widely. For example, in the field of homeopathy, it is estimated that healing crises occur with a frequency of 10 to 75 percent.
A healing crisis is very similar to another type of reaction called the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR). You may have heard the terms JHR and healing crisis used interchangeably. However, these are actually two different reactions, but they are very similar.
JHR is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs after starting antibiotic treatment for certain types of bacterial infections. Examples of such infections include syphilis, Lyme disease, and leptospirosis.
People experiencing JHR may experience the following symptoms:
The exact mechanism of JHR is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by the inflammatory response that occurs when antibiotics act on bacteria. Typically, JHR resolves as follows:
Although healing crisis is often mentioned in relation to CAM, it is important to point out that research on it is still very limited. In clinical research, NCCIH
The crisis of healing is
There are numerous anecdotal reports of healing crises occurring in response to various CAM approaches. Examples include:
Healing crisis in homeopathy
The healing crisis is often discussed in relation to homeopathy. Much of the research is focused on minimizing risks by learning how to determine whether worsening symptoms are due to a healing crisis or an adverse effect on treatment.
Healing crisis in reflexology
The healing crisis in acupuncture
The signs and symptoms of a healing crisis seem to vary from person to person. Generally, these symptoms may be described as flu-like or just feeling generally unwell.
Some people experience worsening of symptoms of the illness they are being treated for. For example, someone using her CAM to treat eczema may notice that their eczema worsens significantly after starting treatment.
Other symptoms that have been reported in connection with healing crisis include:
Despite worsening symptoms, some people feel an increase in their overall sense of well-being after the healing crisis begins. This includes having more energy and getting better sleep.
Often, the healing crisis begins shortly after starting CAM treatment. Generally, it only lasts about 1 to 3 days. After this period, symptoms begin to improve.
The healing crisis may last longer, sometimes lasting weeks or months. for example,
There is no specific treatment for the symptoms of a healing crisis. However, if you feel like you’re on the brink of healing, here are some self-care steps you can take at home until your symptoms subside.
- Be sure to stay hydrated.
- Please rest while you have symptoms.
- Consider over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) for pain.
- Try to avoid foods and drinks that can worsen your digestive symptoms.
The duration of a healing crisis can vary widely, so how do you know when to see a doctor?
One publication suggests that if symptoms worsen and do not resolve after 14 days, it may be considered a side effect of treatment rather than a healing crisis.
A good rule of thumb is to consult your doctor if you experience worrying or worsening symptoms. If your healing crisis symptoms do not begin to improve after a few days, plan to see your doctor.
In some cases, you may have to stop the treatment you were previously using. In these cases, new treatment options may be recommended depending on your condition.
There is no specific way to prevent a healing crisis from occurring. However, if you start a new girlfriend’s CAM therapy, be sure to talk to your doctor about any side effects or reactions you may experience.
By taking this step, you will be prepared if symptoms of a healing crisis occur. Your health care provider may also be able to give you more tips on how to manage your symptoms and when to call if your symptoms don’t resolve.
A healing crisis is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs after starting a new CAM treatment. Symptoms usually last only a few days, but in some cases they can last for weeks or months.
Various CAM therapies, such as detox, homeopathy, and acupuncture, are associated with healing crises. However, scientific research on this reaction and its actual mechanism is currently very limited.
Before starting a new CAM therapy, it is important to talk to your doctor about possible reactions and side effects. This will help you recognize and prepare for the symptoms of a healing crisis if they occur.