sheila swenson
CHICAGO, March 18, 2022 (Globe Newswire) — Sheila Swenson, owner of Greater Achievements Hypnotherapy, reveals her journey to healing and well-being through hypnotherapy.
Swenson lights up in casual conversations about teaching clients, his work, or even hypnotherapy. Her passion shines through in such a way that you can’t help but wonder why. A new page on her website, “Living Proof,” provides raw, visceral details about the real reason she’s so passionate about hypnotherapy and how she came to do this work. is finally revealed. Swenson has always fiercely hidden her own past and refuses to be defined by her past, determined to break her cycle of abuse and overcome it while building a new life for herself. Did.
She not only saved her own life and helped heal, but also created a process that allows others to heal and take control of their lives, as evidence of its deep and powerful effects. I offer my own testimony as proof of what inspired me to do so. Every day, she challenges her clients’ limiting assumptions about what heals and demonstrates the power of the subconscious mind’s ability to heal body, mind, and emotions in every session. With over 20 years of experience in clinical and medical hypnotherapy and energy healing, Swenson helps people harness the power of their subconscious mind to heal deep wounds, remove limiting beliefs, and create happier lives. has an impeccable reputation for doing.
Like many of her clients, Swenson’s traumatic past began in childhood and continued into adulthood. In her book, “Her Living Proof,” Swenson talks about her parents’ divorce in her early childhood and her domestic violence, which continued into her adulthood, and the consequences of growing up in such a dark environment. It talks about her tragic aftermath. Being beaten, tortured, sexually abused, and living in extreme fear for years created powerful subconscious programming.
Her story reads like a bad horror movie, but how can a woman who looks like she’s never had a bad day in her life be so confident, happy, and in her own skin? I wonder if we are now able to be comfortable, let alone if the world is safe. People never knew that Swenson, an attractive, healthy, healthy woman with a fearless sense of adventure, had been brainwashed for years to be ugly, small, and powerless.
As the founder of Greater Achievements, she has for many years developed the “Swenson Method,” which harnesses the most powerful aspects of hypnosis and energy work to help people heal in ways never before thought possible. I have supervised a process called. Through her years of experience, she knows first-hand which techniques are most effective for which problems and combines them to produce powerful effects and amazing results.
Mr. Swenson, who has a private practice in the Chicago Loop, also works with hospitals and wellness centers to help clients heal from all levels of suffering from catastrophic events, while helping successful professionals optimize performance and We help you scale great businesses.
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Image 1: Sheila Swenson
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