mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is an editor for Spirituality & Relationships and a certified yoga instructor. She has a BA in Broadcasting and Mass Communications from SUNY Oswego and lives in Buffalo, NY.
August 14, 2023
Key Takeaways
- Carnelian is a reddish orange variety of the mineral chalcedony, typically found in India.
- Carnelian has a variety of healing properties, including revitalizing energy, enhancing creativity, and providing protection.
- As with all crystals, it is recommended that you cleanse and charge your carnelian regularly, especially if you work with it frequently.
Carnelian is one of those crystals that is as versatile as it is beautiful. Whether you want to boost your creativity or feel a little more confident, this stone is perfect for you. Here’s what experts say you need to know about carnelian, from its benefits to uses and even how to care for it.
What is Carnelian?
Carnelian is a reddish-orange variety of the mineral chalcedony that comes in light to dark colors. Crystals: A Modern Guide to Crystal Healing The Goldirocks founder told mbg that because carnelian doesn’t crystallize, it’s primarily available as small ground stones or polished pieces.
Most carnelian available for purchase today originally comes from India, but is also found scattered around the world in countries such as Brazil, Egypt, Uruguay and the United States.
Carnelian healing properties:
It gives you a surge of energy.
Van Doren points out that carnelian is a very energizing crystal: It resembles fire, and “its power lies in igniting an energizing flame within you,” she says, adding, “This crystal will help keep your inner flame burning brighter and further your goals, aspirations, and dreams.”
It gives you confidence and strength.
According to Heather Askinosie, crystal expert and co-founder of Energy Muse Jewelry, carnelian is a stone of joy, confidence, and self-empowerment. Again, think of carnelian as a stone that stokes your inner fire and ignites your energy from within.
Inspire your creativity
As Askinosie previously explained to mbg, carnelian is also great for tapping into your creativity: “Carnelian aligns with your second (sacral) chakra, which governs creativity, allowing you to tap into your inner talents and strengths,” she says. She adds that carnelian can also be used to clear away any triggers that might leave you feeling drained, unmotivated, or stuck.
Supports sexual energy.
carnelian is also great for working with sexual energy as it is associated with the sacral chakra: creativity and sexual energy both originate from the sacral chakra, and as spiritual teacher and activist emma mildon previously explained to mbg, carnelian can help amplify your intention in these areas.
Provides protection.
Finally, according to Satya Scainetti, crystal expert and founder of Satya Jewelry, carnelian is also a stone of protection, stability, and vitality. “It’s the perfect stone to program with your intention to become more fearless and courageous in everything you do,” she previously wrote for mbg.
How to use Carnelian:
Keep it in your workspace.
If you feel like you lack the energy and focus needed to make your creative dreams a reality, Van Doren suggests keeping carnelian in your workspace, on your desk or in your work bag.
Make it part of your self-care routine.
Carnelian is so powerful for boosting self-confidence and empowerment that it’s a great crystal to incorporate into your self-care routine. Van Doren’s simple advice is to keep a carnelian in your bathroom — in your medicine cabinet, on the edge of your bathtub, or anywhere that will remind you to be extra intentional with your self-care routine.
Use to amplify sexual energy.
Van Doren explains that if you want to spice up your bedroom, a little carnelian can definitely help. You don’t have to actually bring it into your bedroom, just keep a small piece on your nightstand. You might want to move it out of your bedroom when it’s time to sleep, but more on this later.
Let’s exercise together.
Want to power through your next workout? Bring some carnelian to the gym! “Carnelian’s strengthening energy will inspire you to go the extra mile and help you achieve your biggest health and fitness goals,” says Van Doren.
Use it to meditate.
Askinosie recommends sitting with the crystal, holding it in your non-dominant hand, and asking yourself, “What is my talent?” and “What am I here to do?” as you engage with the crystal to build self-confidence.
“Write down the first three things that come to mind. Wrap a crystal in the paper and carry it with you for 14 days,” she adds.
Place them on or around your vision board.
If you want to manifest something in your life and have a vision board for it, placing a bit of carnelian can strengthen your vision. Askinosie suggests placing carnelian on top of your vision board. Carnelian will strengthen your intentions and give you the energy and confidence to achieve your goals.
Protect your home with it.
And finally, if you’re looking to lend your home an extra layer of protection, Askinosie previously told mbg that she always keeps a carnelian crystal just inside her front door. “These stones have the power to ward off negativity and also invite positivity in through their energy of abundance,” she notes.
Combine with other crystals.
First of all, the good news is that carnelian’s energy is compatible with all crystals, so there are no specific combinations that you should avoid, according to Van Doren.
That being said, depending on what you’re looking for, some combinations may work better than others.
For example, if you want to use carnelian to enhance your vision board, Askinosie suggests placing it at the top of your board with angel aura quartz underneath, tiger’s eye on the left, and red jasper on the right, adding that these stones can also be effective in boosting creativity when used together.
On the other hand, if you’re using carnelian for self-defense, Askinosie says it’s a good idea to combine it with pyrite.
And if you’re looking for the sexual boost that carnelian offers, orange sapphire pairs well with it, says Mildon, as does ruby, which is thought to stimulate passion and sexual connection.
Cleansing and charging crystals.
As with all crystals, it is recommended that you cleanse and charge your carnelian regularly, especially if you work with it frequently.
Luckily, caring for your carnelian is super easy, says Van Doren: It’s a durable mineral that easily handles all the traditional methods of cleansing and recharging. “I recommend exposing your new carnelian to a 24-hour cycle of sunlight and moonlight to recharge it,” she says, adding that if you don’t have a safe outdoor spot, place it on an indoor windowsill.
Is carnelian a birthstone?
Yes, carnelian is a birthstone, but it’s not the most popular birthstone. According to Van Doren, “Carnelian is one of the oldest gemstones used in jewelry and is historically the August birthstone.” (Most people know peridot as the August birthstone, but historically carnelian is one of four stones associated with the month, along with September.)
What zodiac sign does it relate to?
Because carnelian is associated with August and September, Van Doren says carnelian is the traditional birthstone for Virgo.
Which Chakras are Associated with Carnelian?
When considering which crystals relate to which chakras, color is often the biggest clue: bright orange carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra, which governs sexuality and creativity.
Is this a good crystal to have with you when you sleep?
As mentioned before, carnelian is great for the bedroom, but not for sleeping. This stone energizes, so it’s not a good idea to put it under your pillow when you’re trying to sleep. Of course, different people feel differently, and crystals are affected by intentions, so you can certainly tell for yourself. But in general, this is not the best crystal for sleeping.
How should I wear it as jewelry?
Van Doren tells mbg that wearing carnelian as jewelry is a great way to bring its energy into your daily life: You can pin a carnelian piece on a necklace or bracelet, find some carnelian earrings, or, honestly, just “wear” it in your bra or keep it in your pocket.
When you’re on your spiritual path, having the right crystals on hand can help you achieve whatever you’re striving for. Whether you’re looking to boost your creativity or sexual energy, activate your sacral chakra or feel more confident, carnelian is the perfect addition to any crystal collection.