And it’s all natural 🌿

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If your dog experiences any level of anxiety, whether that be separation anxiety, anxiety during thunderstorms, or anxiety around other dogs or people, you’re probably constantly searching for solutions to help calm your dog in stressful situations.
That’s why we were so excited to try Bach Rescue Remedy Pet, because it not only promises to calm anxious pups, but is also made with all-natural, plant-derived active ingredients.
It’s so nice to know that our dog has helped him deal with his anxiety, so we’re officially giving him the thumbs up.
Keep reading to find out more about what we loved about it.
What is Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets?
Bach Rescue Remedy Pet is an all-natural formula that promises to help ease your dog’s anxiety caused by stressful situations such as:
It comes in a dropper container and is made with five natural flower essences: Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, and Star of Bethlehem (beware of pet allergies).
How does Batch Rescue Remedy for Pets work?
According to Dr. Bach, Rescue Remedy Pet is a homeopathic tincture made with five natural flower essences. All of the flowers used in this supplement are hand-picked in Dr. Edward Bach’s garden in the UK.
Flower essences work to address negative emotions and behaviors that are common when pets are feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or scared, similar to how certain essential oils reduce anxiety in humans (but don’t give essential oils to dogs, they can be toxic to animals).
As for how much to give your pup, the company recommends giving about four drops of the supplement before, during and after a stressful event.
Bach says the exact dosage will depend on what works best for your pet, so you may need to experiment to see how much (and how often) you need to give your pet to see results.
The drops can be added to your dog’s food, water, treats, or given directly to their mouth (but be careful not to let your pet’s mouth or tongue touch the dropper as this could contaminate the bottle).
We selected six office puppies with different levels of anxiety to see if the supplement could help them feel a little calmer in difficult situations.
Does Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets work?
Some of our pets have seen amazing progress while using this.
“I took [my dogs] We went to a very crowded pumpkin patch. Snoop is sensitive to kids and Missy is sensitive to other dogs so we gave them the full dose before we left. It was a huge success! We can definitely attribute this success to their eye drops.— Erica G.
Some of our dogs have certainly found the supplement to be calming, but it may not be a substitute for prescription medication.
“It does calm my pet to some extent, but not as much as I need it to. I think this is a great all-natural product, but frankly, I don’t think any natural product is a good enough replacement for the prescription medications my dog ​​needs.” — Vittoriana C.
The Benefits of Bach Rescue Remedies for Pets
My dogs literally drooled when they saw this dropper.
““When I put the dropper to my daughter’s mouth, she started drooling over the cannoli, so that must have been a sign that something was delicious!” — Christy R.
Helped calm dogs during noisy events
The drops, which promise to help calm dogs in stressful situations, are likely the reason why Snoop and Missy were so well-behaved during their *basic* day out in the pumpkin patch.
“I gave Missy a full dose before going to the pumpkin patch and she was able to ignore the crowds of people and even a few dogs. Without Rescue Remedy, she would have been much more overwhelmed.” — Erica G.
While there are so many products out there that contain strange chemicals you can’t pronounce, these drops are formulated with active plant-based ingredients and are happy to say they contain no sedatives.
“I love that this product is all natural, which is exactly what I want for my pets. It’s important to me to not medicate my pets so much when I can use natural alternatives to prescription drugs.” — Vittoriana C.
It can be applied with a simple dropper, making it easy to get into your dog’s mouth. or If your pup doesn’t like supplements, mix them into treats.
“The dropper was really easy to use and I could easily hide it in my snacks.” — Kirby R.
Effective for separation anxiety
As one of the most common forms of anxiety in dogs, these drops seem to be helping one of our puppies who experiences intense separation anxiety every time a family member leaves the house.
Your dog may get itchy
We can’t say for sure, but one of our pet owners noticed that the day after using this product, all three of her dogs were extremely itchy and were licking their paws and scratching their ears more than usual.
“I can’t say for sure that this was due to Rescue Remedy, but all three of my dogs were unusually itchy the day after receiving the treatment.” — Erica G.
Before you begin using this product, we recommend checking with your veterinarian to cross-reference its ingredients with any known allergens your pup may be sensitive to.
Some dogs didn’t like the taste.
One of the puppies didn’t seem to like the taste of the oil very much, and the owner even said that he shook his head vigorously when he smelled it for the first time. To solve this problem, the owner hid the supplement in a treat.
“If it tastes good [better]That way, your dog will be happy to put it on their tongue and you won’t have to hide it in the treat.” — Kirby R.
Lucky didn’t like the cannoli, but he was salivating when the dropper was pulled out. Just like people, not all dogs like the same flavors, so you may just have to find out for yourself if your dog likes it.
The directions are a little confusing
Most supplements are dosed according to weight, but Bach Rescue Remedy Pet says only to “administer 4 drops as needed,” and doesn’t say how long it will take to work or how long the effects will last. or If your dog needs to get used to it.
“I think this product works well if you adjust the recommended dosage based on weight. Cannoli is 110 pounds so she may not have noticed the effects, but the dosage is the same for all dogs.” — Christy R.
Erica, who has three dogs of different sizes, found the instructions to be the most confusing and said she has never seen such general instructions on a supplement.“But I followed the instructions, and I believe the treatment worked equally well for all of my dogs, despite their size differences. The instructions weren’t wrong, just confusing.” — Erica G.
We contacted the company and they confirmed that the dosage is determined by the stress level, not the size of the pet.
Is Batch Rescue Remedy for Pets Worth It?
As with most natural calming supplements, it’s probably worth at least trying it to see if it works for your anxious pup.
“They are much more affordable and easier to purchase than CBD dog treats, but they are slightly less effective. However, because they are in a reasonable price range, I would ultimately recommend purchasing one and testing your individual dog’s reaction. They can be a great asset to your dog’s mental health.” — Erica G.
““I will probably continue to give Rescue Remedy to my extremely stressed dogs because it seems to improve their mood, reduce anxiety, and increase their threshold for triggers in certain situations outside the home!” — Erica G.
Buy Bach Rescue Remedy Pet on Amazon for $18.29
How do I know if my dog ​​has anxiety?
Dog owners should pay attention to situational cues and body language if their dog is showing signs of stress or anxiety, such as:
- Barking
- Whining
- Invasion
- Withdrawal
- depression
- Anorexia
- Licking, biting, scratching
Can I give my dog ​​medication to ease anxiety?
If your dog is experiencing severe anxiety, you should consult with your veterinarian to discuss the use of prescription medication.
Dodo may receive free samples to test through our Paw of Approval program, but all of our opinions are 100% our own. We only publish product endorsements that we (and our dogs and cats) truly love! For more information about our testing process, here.
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