Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used acupuncture for many years to treat osteoporosis and other conditions. Current research on acupuncture for osteoporosis is promising and suggests it may help improve bone density.
However, more research is needed to determine how acupuncture works as a treatment for this condition and its long-term effects.
This article examines whether and how acupuncture for osteoporosis is effective. It also touches on the best acupuncture points for osteoporosis, what you can expect from treatment, and how to find an acupuncturist.
Osteoporosis is when the body absorbs more bone tissue than it replaces. This causes the bones to lose density, become porous, and weaken.
Acupuncture stimulates specific acupuncture points according to “qi” (according to TCM, energy flowing through meridians in the body).
This technique typically involves inserting thin needles into acupuncture points in specific combinations.
Is it effective?
In a 2022 review of 290 papers on acupuncture for osteoporosis, researchers found that preclinical and clinical studies demonstrated that acupuncture has a therapeutic effect on osteoporosis.
However, the researchers emphasized that further research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture as a long-term osteoporosis treatment.
The researchers noted that preclinical animal studies on acupuncture remain controversial, with some researchers questioning whether acupuncture points are the same in humans and animals.
This could impact how scientists interpret and understand the effects of acupuncture on osteoporosis.
The researchers also point out that there is a lack of high-quality research on the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for this bone condition.
Current research suggests that acupuncture may be a complementary treatment for the condition, but research on its long-term effectiveness is lacking.
The researchers also highlighted safety concerns, as acupuncture for osteoporosis causes an increase in the hormone estradiol, which can cause side effects.
Therefore, large-scale randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to determine how this method affects osteoporosis and whether osteoporotic conditions can be safely managed.
They believe this method could help activate and modulate specific signaling pathways in the body, allowing cells to communicate with each other.
- Wnt/β-catenin pathway: this is,
important role in maintaining tissue balance.thiscan influence bone formation and metabolism,influence Rate of bone tissue resorption and formation. - Osteoprotegerin and nuclear factor-kappaB ligand pathway receptor activators: This system is made up of proteins
necessary until osteoclast maturation. These cells destroy old bone tissue and form new bone tissue.
Acupuncture for osteoporosis may also help stimulate and regulate hormone production. Animal studies have found that this technique increases estrogen and testosterone levels and may improve bone density.
According to a 2022 review of research on acupuncture for osteoporosis, the 10 most common acupuncture points for osteoporosis are:
- BL23: Shenshu, the bladder meridian, is located on the right side of the lumbar spine.
- ST36: Zu Sanli (Zusanri) The stomach meridian located below the knees.
- BL20: Pishu, Bladder meridian, located below BL18 in the center back.
- BL11: Dazhu, the bladder meridian, located between the spine and the top of the right shoulder blade.
- CV4: Guanyuan, the vascular meridian of conception located below the navel.
- GV4: Mingmen, the governing blood vessel meridian, is located in the lower back spine.
- SP6: The Three Yin Jiao is the Spleen meridian located on the inside of the leg above the ankle bone.
- KI3: Taixi, the kidney meridian, is located in the depression between the bony prominence of the inner malleolus and the Achilles tendon.
- BL18: Ganshu, the bladder meridian, is located on the right side of the middle of the spine.
- GB39: Xuanzhong, gallbladder meridian, located on the outer ankle bone.
It is safe to apply acupressure on pressure points at home. However, never perform acupuncture on yourself at home. You will need to find a qualified and licensed professional to try this method.
The acupuncturist begins the first session by assessing the patient’s health and medical history and performing a physical exam.
The person takes off the necessary clothing and sits or lies down. The acupuncturist then inserts thin needles into specific points just under the skin or deeper into the muscles.
The needles usually remain in place for a few minutes, but usually no more than about 30 minutes.
This process is usually painless, but you may feel a dull ache or tingling sensation.
Acupuncture should not be used to treat osteoporosis. Also, you should not change your current treatment without first consulting your doctor.
Additionally, you should find a qualified acupuncturist and verify their credentials before booking a session.
Acupuncture is an inappropriate procedure, so it is important to receive it from a properly trained professional.
Individuals can search for an acupuncturist in the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Certification Board directory.
Some states require acupuncturists to be licensed. You can check an acupuncturist’s license verification status by searching Acupuncture License Lookup.
Current research suggests a possible benefit in osteoporosis, although higher quality, larger studies are needed.
Researchers believe that acupuncture may help activate signaling pathways that increase the production of bone tissue. However, more research is needed to determine exactly how acupuncture affects osteoporosis and the long-term effects of treatment.
Current osteoporosis treatment should not be discontinued with acupuncture, and medical diagnosis and treatment should be obtained.