There is limited research to suggest that acupuncture can treat urticaria (hives), but more evidence is needed before making any conclusions.
Urticaria, medically known as urticaria, is an itchy, red, and irritated area of the skin that typically occurs.
In most cases, your doctor will recommend treating hives with either over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription antihistamines. Although the evidence is still limited, some studies suggest that acupuncture, either as a sole treatment or in addition to medication, may be an effective treatment for both acute and chronic urticaria. It suggests something.
Here’s what you need to know about connectivity:
Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific acupuncture points. The purpose is to balance the energy or life force (known as Qi) within the body in order to heal the body. It has been around for at least 2,000 years, but it was only in the 1970s that it became popular worldwide.
Some believe that it works purely on an energetic
The researchers note that the results may be influenced by other factors, such as patients’ beliefs about the treatment and the patient-doctor relationship. That being said, studies have shown that acupuncture is still more effective than placebo or sham treatments.
There is some evidence to suggest that acupuncture is an effective treatment for hives.
Because of the low level of evidence, they concluded that acupuncture: maybe Effective in treating symptoms of chronic urticaria. More high-quality research needs to be done in the future before further claims can be made.
The researchers noted that although they cannot draw conclusions based on just one person’s experience, acupuncture may be a promising alternative treatment for hives.
In a 2023 study that followed more than 43,500 hives patients for 10 years, researchers found that acupuncture significantly reduced the risk of high blood pressure.
Patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) are at high risk of developing high blood pressure, so researchers wanted to know if acupuncture could alleviate this side effect.
They concluded that acupuncture does reduce the risk of hypertension. However, they noted that those who received a combination of medication and acupuncture had the lowest risk.
Although this study only analyzed high blood pressure and acupuncture, it may be reassuring for hives patients who want to minimize their risk of blood pressure problems.
According to a 2018 study, the most common areas to place hive acupuncture points are:
- Bladder meridian: It extends along both sides of the spine and along the back of the legs.
- “Government Ship”: It extends from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head, across the forehead and into the mouth.
- “Vessel of Conception” It runs up the center of the body from the genitals to the mouth.
- Large intestine meridian: It starts at the tip of your index finger and runs down your wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, and along the side of your face.
- Spleen meridian: Start at the big toe and work your way to the sides of your ribs.
- Stomach meridian: It extends from the top of the cheek, curves around the mouth, chin, and ears, and descends through the neck, collarbone, and stomach to the tip of the second toe.
Ultimately, there are a number of acupuncture points that can be used at the practitioner’s discretion, depending on the location of the hives and other factors.
According to current evidence,
Therefore, even if further research is needed, the risk of trying alternative treatments yourself is minimal.
What are the risk factors for acupuncture?
If acupuncture is not performed safely or hygienically, it can cause harmful consequences, including:
- Infection
- injured organs
- central nervous system damage
Because of the potential risks, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers acupuncture to be a medical device and regulates it as such. Must be sterile and used only once. Acupuncturists must also be fully licensed.
There is limited evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for hives, but more research is needed to know for sure. It is also thought to reduce the increased risk of high blood pressure in patients with hives.
Traditionally, both acute and chronic urticaria are treated with antihistamines. However, acupuncture is a low-risk treatment and may be worth trying as a complementary approach.