Stock up on ginger, honey and nuts to stave off the cold
As winter approaches, we’re all stocking up on warm clothes. But it’s also important to stay warm from the inside out. Stock up on these foods to stave off the cold.
1. Ginger
Ginger helps lower cholesterol levels, making it a great way to keep your body healthy during the winter. Its antibacterial properties also help treat the coughs and colds that are common during this season. You can eat it raw and chew it daily, or add it to soups and other dishes to enhance its flavor.
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2. Honey
It helps prevent colds, flu, and coughs during the winter. Honey has a sweet taste, is not high in calories, and has a warming effect on the body.
3. Nuts
A variety of nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds etc. are the best source of good cholesterol, vitamins, dietary fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts are natural thermogenic foods, making them an essential snack in winters.
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4. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a great spice to help protect against the cold weather, so add it to cooked dishes, soups and salads for added flavour or use it when making tea or other hot drinks.
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5. Garlic
Its antibacterial properties help prevent common winter illnesses like cold, cough, sore throat etc. It also keeps cholesterol levels in check, helping you stay healthy during the winter months. You can eat 3-4 cloves of garlic daily or add it to cooked dishes for a flavoursome meal.