No matter how many glasses of water you drink, do you still feel tired or thirsty throughout the day? This is because your body is not retaining enough water and is craving more water. There may be.
Summer is getting more and more intense, and the need for hydration is increasing infinitely. In this scorching heat, the body tends to rapidly lose water and mineral salts, a phenomenon known as dehydration, which is a common problem among people of all ages. Chronic dehydration can be fatal if proper treatment is not provided in time. Dehydration disrupts metabolic processes and can affect all organs of the body. You may not have enough time to stay hydrated, but considering the health risks dehydration can have on your body, you should think about treating dehydration right away. According to Ayurvedic expert MA Choudhary of AyurTree Herbal, drinking water definitely prevents dehydration. “On a hot summer day, you generally need to drink about 2 to 4 liters of water to help your organs function properly and improve your overall health. Dehydration can damage your brain, kidneys, liver, It affects important organs in the body, such as the stomach, lungs, etc., which prevents oxygen supply to the brain. Lack of water and moisture reduces the motility of important nutrients and minerals, making your brain tired and tired easily, which reduces your overall energy. (Also read: Does drinking coffee make you dehydrated? Do you? We have the answer)Drinking water can definitely prevent dehydration.As stated in Ayurvedic home remedies complete book By Basant Lad Add 1 teaspoon of natural sugar to a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of lime juice, then a pinch of salt and keep drinking it throughout the day. It is one of the most effective treatments. Certain herbs can also help treat dehydration.
Here are some of the most effective herbs that can help you deal with dehydration.
1. ChamomileChamomile is an herb that has pain-relieving and stress-relieving properties, as well as being considered an excellent hydrator. There are also decaffeinated tea options that can help you stay even more hydrated by replacing fluids lost through dehydration. Add about 2-3 dried chamomile flowers (or tea) to a cup of hot water and steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea every day.
Elderflower has a cooling effect on body temperature3.asparagusAsparagus helps your body retain water and prevents dehydration. It is rich in dietary fiber and promotes the absorption of water in the body. In this heat, your body temperature will also drop. Asparagus can be added to a variety of salads and vegetables, or taken as a tea or supplement. (Also read: 7 foods to eat regularly to prevent summer dehydration)Asparagus can be used in a variety of salads and vegetables4. Willow barkOne of the most popular and recommended herbal remedies is willow bark. The inner bark of willow is thought to have medicinal properties and is used to treat acute headaches caused by dehydration. It has cooling properties and helps keep your body temperature low. It also helps reduce stomach cramps, pain, and inflammation.It can be consumed with
Even in the form of tinctures, herbal teas, and supplements.