Anxiety killer

According to John, this is one of the best podcasts for anxiety. Hosts Shan Vander and Ananga Silver tackle all anxiety-related issues, including panic attacks, stress, and PTSD. “Providing enriching conversations, expert interviews, and great meditations, you can learn how to take control of your body and mind to calm your mind and heal anxiety,” says John. . The website also offers free resources such as guided meditations, as well as courses and coaching to calm anxious minds.
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anxious man podcast

Dennis Simsek of the Anxiety Guy podcast knows exactly what it feels like to struggle with anxiety. Simsek, a former tennis player who struggled with anxiety and panic disorders for years before overcoming them, can teach people how to recognize, manage and cure anxiety, John says. Bonus: He has over 300 episodes, so no matter how many times you listen to them, you’ll never run out.
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Dan Harris is 10% happier

“10 Percent Happier” by Dan Harris (yes, the same guy in that self-help book!) is Maureen’s book of choice for people who want to deal with anxiety. “Guests often include experts in a variety of mental health subjects, who share tips on everything from meditation to setting boundaries,” she says. Practical advice? Check it out!
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black mental health podcast

If you’re looking for a podcast that explores what it’s like to be Black or BIPOC, check out the Black Mental Health Podcast hosted by Reginald A. Howard. This is highly recommended by Jacqueline Darby, a licensed clinical psychologist. “This podcast not only talks about mental health within the Black community, but also looks at the impact that the sociopolitical environment has had on Black mental health,” she says.
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therapy for black girls

The Therapy for Black Girls podcast is a show for women of color hosted by a woman of color (Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist based in Atlanta, Georgia) who The aim is to make mental health accessible and approachable for the group. Susan Zinn, LPCC, LMHC, NCC, is a licensed psychotherapist herself and Bradford is an expert in the field, offering insight into mental health, personal development, and the small things you can do to improve your life. I like what it gives me.
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The Podcast

Is it difficult to say no? Podcasts will help you build that skill and use it to live a more fulfilling life. John says the host, Dr. Henry Cloud, is a talented mental health expert who has written several great books on boundaries and codependency. “We feature inspiring stories about how learning how to practice healthy boundaries can benefit your mental health, relationships, and happiness,” she says.
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Where to start? With Esther Perel

To unlock the secrets of a great social and love life, Jin recommends Where Should I Start? With Esther Perel. For example, this podcast examines the difference between healthy and toxic relationships. “This book offers insight into what it means to have boundaries, healthy relationships, self-love, and removing shame from your actions and relationships,” says Jin. . Additionally, Perel is known as a relationship expert.
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feel good podcast

For those who suffer from anxiety and depression, John says Dr. David Burns’ Feeling Good Podcast shares science-backed tools to overcome them. “Dr. David Burns offers real mental health strategies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and habit formation,” she added.
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Dr. Laurie Santos’ Happiness Lab

Dr. Laurie Santos’ Happiness Lab is also a helpful resource for people with depression. “Santos is a professor at Yale University who offers science-based strategies for increasing happiness and well-being,” says Kim Foster Yardley, a clinical psychologist and director of the Mental Games Clinic. “She gives practical advice for dealing with issues such as anxiety, sadness and dealing with negative emotions.”
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Paul Gilmartin’s Mental Illness Happy Hour

Morin says Paul Gilmartin’s Mental Illness Happy Hour is also a great podcast for those struggling with depression. “The show features a variety of guests who focus on stories rather than specific strategies. The hosts talk about their own struggles and share letters from readers who are battling depression.” helps listeners understand that no matter what they are going through, they are not alone,” she says.
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Jay shetty and purposely

Jay Shetty, who has an interesting background as a former Hindu monk, interviews some of the world’s most insightful people on topics such as food culture, mindset, and personal authenticity, John says. Although it doesn’t market itself as a mental health podcast, many of the themes it explores can help you achieve a healthier state of mind, including how to break free of bad habits, how to let go, and how to uncover the consequences. It’s about how to feed.
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therapy chat

A therapy chat with Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, sheds light on holistic and alternative treatment approaches to mental health issues. “She talks with other mental health professionals about how to practice things like boundaries, mindfulness, and self-care,” says John. “It’s a really great mental health podcast for people who want to hear from experts.”
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Lift your spirits with Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcast. This podcast provides tips on how to feel better and establish good habits. “They’re very encouraging and help normalize some of the difficulties in life so you don’t feel so alone,” says John.
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Sober the Podcast

The road to recovery from addiction can be difficult. Getting support and learning from others who are going through the same thing will make it easier to get through. One of her ways to get both is through the Soberful podcast. Veronica Valli and Chip Summers, co-leaders of this podcast, talk about their journey and how they persevere when the going gets tough. “It’s really helpful for people who want to live an alcohol-free life,” says John.
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That’s terrible, thanks for asking.

Whenever you need it, say, “Oh, thank you, you can ask Nora McInerney for a little compassion.” It’s a powerful storytelling podcast about emotions, says John. Examples include grief and betrayal. The stories are 100% authentic and people tell us who they really are, both good and bad.
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Brené Brown sets us free

Unlocking Us with Brene Brown is for anyone who wants to become more self-aware and silence negative self-talk. “There are many reasons why I like this podcast. Brené is quite famous, so I feel like I can approach her podcast with a sense of authenticity,” Parent said, adding, “With this in mind, Brené brings in other experts to interview them about their expertise.”
I also love that the hosts bring up their own stories and struggles as examples. “She does a great job of providing education and normalizing that everyone is human and therefore we all have areas of difficulty,” she says.
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Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. Ashley has a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness and enjoys writing about topics that help people live happier, healthier lives. She Ashley covers everything from a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, including topics related to sexual health and travel. She is also a NASM certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.
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