A recent review article published in the journal Advances in NutritionThe researchers comprehensively examined components of traditional diets in Latin America, Asia, and Africa and their associations with diet quality and health indicators.
Viewpoint: Beyond the Mediterranean Diet – Exploring traditional diets in Latin America, Asia, and Africa as cultural models for healthy eating. Image credit: akiyoko/Shutterstock
Traditional diets, defined as culturally and environmentally compatible eating habits, characterized by home-cooked, biodiverse foods, are being replaced by processed foods, leading to diet-related diseases.
This “nutrition transition” poses significant public health challenges, particularly in the United States, where dietary acculturation often leads to poor dietary quality and exacerbates racial and ethnic health disparities.
This review identified and narratively synthesized relevant biomedical, biological and social science literature, highlighting the value that common elements of traditional diets in Latin America, Asia and Africa can have in improving dietary advice and calling for further research on their health implications and cultural relevance.
Characteristics of traditional meals
Traditional Latin American, Asian and African diets usually follow a “center, side, legumes” pattern, emphasizing whole carbohydrates, vegetables, small amounts of meat and legumes.
Historically, some elements of traditional diets, such as high salt content for preservation, have posed health risks, while others have been beneficial. Cultural preferences for refined grains also influence nutritional value.
Despite the diversity, key health-promoting components have been identified and used to develop diet quality scores that predict health outcomes. Although research on these diets in non-Western contexts is limited, evidence suggests that dietary quality similar to that of the Mediterranean diet can be achieved.
Latin American traditional food
Latin American food habits and traditions are diverse, reflecting the rich cultural, geographic and historical diversity of the region. Traditional Latin American diets are generally characterized by whole grains (mainly corn) and beans, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and occasionally fish and seafood.
Although there are regional variations, many elements of these diets, such as quinoa and amaranth, are recognized as “superfoods.”
The Oldways Latin American Heritage Pyramid illustrates the wide range of foods in this dietary pattern and highlights its health benefits. Despite having higher risk factors for heart disease, Hispanic Americans tend to have lower rates of heart disease and longer life expectancies due to their traditional diet and strong social support.
Studies have shown that following these diets, which are rich in beans, fruits, and vegetables, is linked to improved health indicators, including higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
US programs incorporating these dietary principles have shown promise in improving health outcomes, particularly among Mexican Americans, but further research is needed to sustain these benefits and adapt them to diverse Hispanic subgroups.
Traditional Asian food
Traditional Asian diets reflect the cultural and geographic diversity of the region. Common elements of these diets include high intakes of vegetables, plant-based protein sources such as tofu and legumes, whole grains such as millet and barley, and fermented foods.
Okinawa, Japan, known for its longevity, emphasizes moderate consumption of root vegetables, soy foods, seafood and red meat. The Japanese diet has similarities to the Mediterranean diet, including a high intake of vegetables and fish, but is high in salt.
Across Asia, traditional diets are primarily plant-based and offer numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of chronic diseases, but globalization and changes in diets, such as increased consumption of sugary beverages and refined grains, bring new health risks.
Despite these changes, many Asian countries have retained the healthy elements of their traditional diets and maintain high diet quality scores, and studies show that Asian diets, which are high in dietary fiber, continue to be effective in preventing chronic diseases.
African traditional food
The traditional food habits of African immigrants include a variety of cultural dishes.
Traditional African cuisine broadly describes the traditional foods and cooking methods that Africans brought to the New World, influenced by regions such as the American South, continental Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.
Popular traditional African foods include black-eyed peas, okra, and collard greens, which originated in Central and West Africa. During the Atlantic slave trade and the great migration that followed, African American cuisine continued to evolve, incorporating local ingredients to shape American cuisine.
Afro-Caribbean and Afro-South American cuisines have also emerged, fusing African staples with local flavours.Research has shown that traditional African diets, high in fibre and whole grains, offer significant health benefits.
Despite changes in nutrition, many healthy habits persist and traditional diets maintain high dietary quality. However, people of African descent face challenges, including systemic racism and socio-economic inequalities, which affect their access to healthy food and nutritional options.
The study highlights how a shift from traditional diets to highly processed foods poses public health challenges. The study highlights the health benefits of a traditional diet that is in line with dietary guidelines but with less emphasis on animal products and rich in legumes, vegetables and whole grains.
This perspective emphasizes the importance of culturally appropriate nutrition education in improving diet quality. Strengths include discussing the benefits of traditional diets, but limitations include a lack of studies from different geographic regions and a lack of systematic reviews.
Future research should focus on the impact of culturally tailored nutrition interventions to develop supportive policies.
Journal References:
- Beyond the Mediterranean diet – Exploring traditional diets in Latin America, Asia, and Africa as cultural models for healthy eating. LeBlanc, KE, Baer-Sinnott, S., Lancaster, KJ, Campos, H., Lau, KHK, Tucker, KL, Kushi, LH, Willett, WC. Advances in Nutrition (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.advnut.2024.100221, https://advances.nutrition.org/article/S2161-8313(24)00055-3/fulltext