Former Stroud resident Saskia Marjoram has built a career in flower essences.
Saskia, the daughter of former mayor John Marjoram, currently lives in East Somerset, but her heart is very much in Stroud, where many of her flower essences are produced.
Saskia says: “At the moment I am a flower essence producer and practitioner…and I have been involved with plants all my life, mainly as a professional gardener and florist, as well as being a mother of two sons. .
“I’ve been creating Essence for over 20 years. Originally with someone else, it was our side business… and about 6 years ago I started the company on my own and built the brand. I changed it and it became my only “job”…jokingly I guess it’s like having a boyfriend who thought he knew everything and we ended up living together .
“Since then, the depth of my knowledge and sense of the essences in our product lineup has grown exponentially, and I feel like I have a solid understanding of what each essence has to offer. It may also happen.
You can keep up with Saskia on social media and on her website
Flower essences available from Saskia include:
Beech Flower Essence – Tolerance.Beech
Beech flower essence is for strong and capable people who find it difficult to cope with the ways of others. It helps us understand that we are all on our own path and life is full of opportunities.
There is also Bee Orchid Flower Essence ~ Full Potential.Ophrys Houska
Bee Orchid Flower Essence helps us reach our fullest potential. It removes resistance and allows us to become the best version of ourselves.
Borage Flower Essence – Available.officinalis
Borage flower essence brings calm and balance when you feel you have lost the support of your surroundings.
I hear it’s called Bluebell Flower Essence.endymion unscripted
Bluebell Flower Essence lets you know you are supported and strong. This essence is perfect for shy people who don’t like talking about themselves. It is very effective not only for singing but also for throat problems.
This essence is part of a blend of both “Speak with Confidence” and “Strength and Support.”