A skincare fan shared the lessons she learned from her mom.
She explained that her mother had successfully recovered her skin despite exposure to the sun at a young age.
Reddit user Yllwbrd shared some beauty and anti-aging tips in a post.
“My mother is in her 50s now, but she was a sun worshipper when she was younger,” she said.
She explained that her mother’s skin was completely different than hers is now.
“I have pictures of her when she was pregnant with me, sitting by the pool with totally tanned skin (we both have naturally fair skin),” she said.
“When she turned 40, she still looked amazing, but her skin had faded a little from the sun.”
To improve her skin condition, her mother first began going to a dermatologist.
“She goes to a dermatologist and has followed a routine faithfully for years,” she said.
My skin care routine has helped me reverse years of sun damage.
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“She cleanses her face gently, uses moisturizer and a retinoid, and wears sunscreen regularly.”
The change in her skin was so noticeable that she began receiving frequent compliments from strangers.
“She looks great, people always mistake her for my sister and compliment her on her skin,” she added.
In addition to a consistent routine, her mom also makes sure to treat herself to keep up with the sun’s effects.
She sees a dermatologist for peels once or twice a year and has treatments for sun damage, but some areas never fully heal (mainly her chest),” she says.
The Reddit user explained that witnessing her mother’s return taught her some great life and beauty lessons.
“She’s a great example of how skin care can help as you age and how important sun protection is,” she said.
“She has said to me many times, ‘I think I look good for my age, but I always think I would look better if I didn’t wear sunscreen and get a tan.'”
Others echoed the importance of sunscreen and the tips and tricks their parents have given them.
“My mum is 56 and absolutely beautiful. I think her main defining feature is her hair. She’s been lightening her hair for years but didn’t know how to take care of it so it’s become dry,” one commenter said.
“A family tragedy we had to endure a few years ago has aged her a little bit, but if that hadn’t happened she probably would have looked a few years younger.
“Her key habits are wearing sunscreen, only having one or two glasses of wine every two weeks, not using drugs, not smoking or dating smokers, and genetics.”