Dr Morris Mensah, a naturopathic doctor and founder of the Sankofa health movement, rejected the claim that people with certain lifestyle diseases, including cancer and diabetes, are usually born with them or inherited them genetically.
He explained in an interview that victims of these diseases become infected because they are raised in the same environment as sick family members.
“A lot of people say they have someone in their family with high blood pressure, so they know they will definitely have high blood pressure. But that’s not true. You’re not born with high blood pressure. It’s what your mother ate. That’s how you were brought up, what you’ve been feeding her. So your mother is feeding you foods that will cause you to develop high blood pressure. You’re bound to have high blood pressure. You’re not born with lifestyle diseases like cancer or diabetes,” he retorted. joy Prime Morning Show on Tuesday.
He added that medical professionals who convey such messages to patients are deceiving them, which is not true.
In contrast, regardless of how many people in a family have the disease, one person can adapt to a new lifestyle through diet and avoid illness, he said.
According to him, genetics is a risk factor if a person chooses to engage in environmental activities similar to those in which they were born.
“That could happen to you if you go down the same path as your mother. Of course, the laws and their consequences apply in every jurisdiction. If you eat this, you get that, so you don’t eat anything. You’re either going to be healthy or you’re going to be sick. If you know that, you’re in good hands. Your mother had a certain diet that kept her blood pressure high all the time. If you go down the same path, your body will never change because you’ll have high blood pressure.”
If some argue that these diseases are hereditary, “what happens to the first person in their family who develops the disease?” Dr. Mensa posed the question.
He added that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can be effectively treated with proper diet.
He stressed that many people suffer from illness because they do not understand the causes of the disease.
Naturopathic doctors made it clear that many lifestyle-related diseases can be managed without medication if the underlying causes are properly addressed.