For celebrity hypnotherapist Kim Freedomter, getting into the minds of movie stars is all in a day’s work.
Friedmutter, whose clients include Sharon Stone, Martha Stewart, David Hasselhoff, and Jackie Segal, has helped stop bad romances from happening on and off screen.
An author and television personality, he is the author of countless world leaders, sports stars, technology Giants and billionaires.
To ensure that the blockbuster movie isn’t derailed by personal shenanigans, she will be part of the film’s budget, capped at $50,000 for five sessions of five hours each.
follow the script closely
For Freedomter, getting actors to stick to a script is more about patterns than magic pills.
“There were some actors I worked with in a movie who had a bad history of falling in love with their co-stars, so I helped them stop this unwanted behavior,” Friedmutter said. He told the US Sun.
“It was such an undesirable pattern that I had to interrupt that pattern and do the heartbreak model to prevent that from happening,” she said.
“It worked out beautifully. They each have their own partners, so it was good.”
Friedmutter, who has also worked with Jennifer Hudson, says hypnotizing celebrities can be advantageous.
“One of the most important things is to know someone’s behavior. Once they’re well known and in the public eye, you already know their behavior patterns,” she says.
Another reason she attracts high-profile clients is because hypnosis gets to the root of the problem, and quickly.
She describes it as the most efficient way to go “straight to the center.”
“Whatever the problem is, you’re getting to the root of it. For example, one of my favorite sayings is ‘Practice makes permanent,'” she said.
“So if you habitually repeat something, we know you just keep doing that thing,” she added.
habits of mind
Falling in and out of love isn’t just for the rich and famous.
Rather, it’s all about habitual patterns that tug at your heartstrings.
“Love is brain chemistry and relationships are brain chemistry, so there are some things you can set up,” she added.
be careful. The first thing she asks is that you hand over your phone.
That’s because when a certain ringtone reminds you of someone, a chemical reaction occurs in your mind.
“I’ve heard of people using everything from extremely annoying to funny ringtones,” she says.
“When you hear ‘dum, dum, dum,’ you get a bad feeling, right?” she continued.
“If you pick up the phone and listen, it can come across as a problem or a doomsday.”
Changing the phone number associated with someone when they call you can also make a difference in your subconscious mind.
“It’s a very simple idea, but you can start with small things like this that are doable,” she said.
“Let’s say you’re having relationship problems or struggling to love someone. You can put things around that person and send it to them,” she added.
“It’s a good song that you love that could be colorful on your screensaver.”
Just as we can “literally create love” in this way, she says, we can just as easily stop creating love.
These techniques can also be used by people with love or sex addictions.
“We’re just starting to create distance between those spaces, so it’s less mystical and more scientific,” she said.
She has also worked with mothers who want to find better ways to express their love for their children.
“Women love their children, but often it may be difficult for them to express that because of the way they are raising their children,” she says.
Be happy with hypnosis
In addition to helping stars put off the brakes on heartbreak, she also helps with another issue that may be less obvious: guilt.
She says the biggest problem facing high performers is that they are unhappy.
“They say, ‘I feel guilty now because I have a beautiful life and I hate my life.’ Now they say, ‘I’m not living a life; Life is living me,’” she said.
“And they are by no means ungrateful people. In fact, they achieved exactly what they wanted to achieve. But until you’re in that position, you don’t get a sense of what that step is. You can’t, can you?” she added.
“So we start to dismantle what’s going on, what the problem is, where the noise is, where it’s stuck.”
She also spends a lot of time staffing and interacting with assistants.
“They need different people to serve different needs at different times, she said.
“When my clients are dissatisfied, it permeates into everything else in their lives,” she added.
This includes confusion over canceling hair appointments and managing large households.
you are very successful
People also use hypnotherapy in their own ways.
“My clients who are in the arts and entertainment field are very emotional and visual, which is a lot of fun.
“Athletes want to see their accomplishments manifest in a physical way, like hitting a ball or reaching an end goal.
“It’s a measurable difference in their performance.
“It’s interesting for the technology guys because they do everything digitally.”
If you’re a businessman, you’ll understand.
“They want their dollar to go up,” she says.
“Hypnophile” Kate Middleton
Hypnosis has become newsworthy thanks to some famous fans, including Kate Middleton, who famously underwent hypnobirthing techniques.
Not a fan of dentists? There’s hypnotherapy for that, or at least a way to manage pain.
There is also a trend in training the mind.
In the pre-pandemic era, she remembers when it was all about losing weight and taking up extreme sports.
“Even if they were super fit, they wanted to get fitter. They wanted to climb mountains. They wanted to ride waves.
“All that extra physical energy was going into people and their spirits.
Looking back, she realized that this foreshadowed the challenges we were all about to face.
planned mindset
Friedmutter’s services are not limited to those aiming to win a gold medal or reach the top of Everest.
More generally, she helps people who are dealing with general fatigue.
“This is a map of, ‘How do I truly live the life that I want?’ So it’s really planning out different ways to do things,” she said.
“Then the person reports, ‘Oh my gosh, I just really thought about it. I didn’t even think about it,'” she added.
“‘Before I knew I was doing it, I was doing it.’ So I apply this automated service to myself.”
She also wants to dispel some misconceptions about the method.
“Hypnosis is very interesting because the scope of what many people think is historical is actually very wide,” she said.
“The film industry seems to have turned into something completely different because every bank that was ever robbed was robbed by someone who was hypnotized,” he added.
Many people she has met also believe it is meant to treat addiction, but she reveals that it is more due to your habitual patterns.
“It’s really your thoughts, your language, and how you operate in relationships,” she said.
There is nothing that your subconscious mind cannot do and guide you to run better.
Kim Freedomter
While the concept of hypnotherapy may conjure up images of “getting really sleepy” when your eyes land on a moving object, she explains, it’s actually more of a “clinical feeling.” do.
“It’s a soft protocol, and I’m surprised that a lot of people feel like they just took a nap,” she says.
“They wake up feeling very refreshed and surprised that they still feel like themselves. They don’t have certain drives,” she added.
“They feel really good. What happens in real life is that the client then leaves and they end up handling things differently.”
She also uses a zero-gravity chair to consciously keep them from feeling their bodies as she goes through the protocols, making it always clear what they’re working on.
“I really just fall asleep to the melody,” she said.
“There’s nothing your subconscious mind can’t do or coax you into running better,” she added.
“When it comes to myself, there’s nothing I can’t control. I feel like I’m Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz again. Like everything I have, I’ve always had it.
“The ultimate goal is to feel like you have complete autonomy over everything that happens to you.
“We tend to give away too much authority. The best thing I do is treat the person, not the problem.”
social media shame
She also blames social media for causing many people to judge themselves, a topic she also addresses in her book.
“We’re at this very interesting place in life where we see everyone’s business unfolding on screen, whether it’s Instagram or other platforms,” she said.
“We have lost the sense of what is good for us, and when we see how others are acting, we are always in contrast to that,” she added. Ta.
“The visibility of everyone’s inner and personal lives has really changed.”
Kim recently published a new book about how to unlock our “inner power” and is currently available on Amazon.