Ivianna Snow has shared a spooky experience on set while working as a horror actress, explaining how she would prepare for a spooky role by meditating in a graveyard.
The London-based horror actress has spoken out about the spooky paranormal experiences she had on set.
Iviana Snow, 26, witnessed a Ouija board suddenly burst into flames, cameras being controlled by an unseen force, and a mysterious figure lurking around the film crew.
She recalls: “During filming, [Dean Cain’s movie] In Seven, there was a scene where she used a Ouija board to communicate with the dead, and one of the other actresses didn’t want the board in her dressing room, so she left it outside.
“Later that day I looked out the window and the boards were on fire. I have no idea how that happened.”
She also said, “And during filming [Dan Brownlie’s] At the London Bridge Experience’s “The Tombs,” I repeatedly saw a man in period costume wandering around the set, and I assumed he was one of the actors.
“When I asked about him later, it turned out that no one had ever heard of him and that he wasn’t one of the actors hired that day.”
Delhi-born Iviana is a method actor, an acting technique used by stars such as Marlon Brando and Dustin Hoffman that requires complete immersion in a character.
This often involves living a vampire-like lifestyle, “embracing the dark side of life”, meditating in cemeteries, remaining silent for days at a time, and sometimes not even leaving the house during the day without opening the curtains, allowing her to maintain a ghostly pale complexion for roles that include the devil, witches, Dracula’s wife and a possessed newlywed.
Avianna, a practicing witch, says she has been interested in horror since she was a child. As a teenager, she was not only obsessed with movies, but also liked to sneak out in the middle of the night to visit cemeteries. She was a quiet, introverted child who was strangely drawn to the macabre.
Sharing another spooky experience on set, Aviyanna recalled that all the cameras mysteriously stopped working while filming Michael Fasti’s Burnt Flowers. “We think there might have been a ghost on set,” she said.
One of the guests, a psychic, asked the spirits to finish their work, and Avianna says that as soon as she did, all the equipment started working again.
“But when we played back the audio from that day’s shoot, it sounded like a distorted cassette tape. That’s not possible with a digital recorder, which doesn’t use tape,” she said.
She continued, “We’ve also had some weird electrical occurrences, like light bulbs just going out. Things we don’t normally experience.”
“On set, doors would open by themselves, producers reported hearing noises next to their ears when no one was there, managers noticed lights going on and off for no apparent reason, and some staff members refused to enter the building.”
“Maybe the ghosts weren’t happy about us filming them, but I’m not scared. I don’t think ghosts are necessarily evil. Most of them are just the spirits of people who used to live.”
Iviana has amassed 42.1k followers on Instagram, where she posts behind-the-scenes content from shoots, interviews and glamorous photos of herself.
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