“I’ve never felt so helpless. The helplessness extends to physical symptoms such as erectile dysfunction,” says Rachel Farnsworth, a transformational coach and wellness therapist who hypnotizes men suffering from impotence. .
“It could be childhood, but often it’s a past experience that made you feel powerless. Maybe it was something that happened at school. What does it have to do with sex? There is no.”
Half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience some degree of erectile dysfunction, so Rachel, a therapist, seeks to help those suffering from ED due to past emotional trauma.
Of course, according to the NHS, erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of physical factors, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal problems, or side effects of medications, and cannot be cured with hypnotherapy.
But in this week’s episode of the Metro.co.uk Mentally Yours podcast, Rachel tells how she helps men with mental blocks rediscover their erections.
“I get to the root cause every time, and it’s probably not something they’re consciously aware of,” she says.
“How it works is you’re in a natural state of relaxation, so you close your eyes and talk to me.
“We go back to when, how and where it started. “Everyone says I’m stupid.” How does that make you feel? “Feeling like I’m not good enough.” There is.”
“It doesn’t have to be a major trauma like a knife point, it can just be something.” [from childhood] so. It’s about understanding why it started, so you can first understand it and then let it go. ”
Rachel describes the hypnotherapy process as “going into your subconscious mind in a state of heightened awareness, as if you were daydreaming.” It’s more like deep guided meditation than stage hypnosis.
“I’m not going to make you go crazy with fire hydrants or make chicken noises or anything like that,” she jokes.
What else can you do to fight erectile dysfunction?
Porn pioneer Erica Lust has partnered with Sex School Hub to offer top tips for combating ED.
- Take a breath and take a break: If you are about to lose your erection, it is important to remember to breathe as it helps blood circulation and increases blood flow to the genitals. Know that it’s okay to take a break and drink water before continuing. Gaining confidence can take time, so it’s important to consider that sexual encounters are more than just erections and orgasms.
- Practice receiving joy in other areas: There is no need to focus only on the genitals. Exploring other pleasure zones around your body will help you enjoy sensations without any expectations. It’s also a way to get your erection back if that’s what you want.
- Massage points: This is another great way to increase blood flow and help you get and maintain an erection. There are many pressure points to try, so try massaging each other as an intimate and gentle way. When performing any type of massage, it’s important to clearly communicate and discuss your boundaries with your partner.
- Talk to your partner: If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction during intimate moments, it is important to be able to talk to your partner about your feelings if you feel uncomfortable. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical problems such as diabetes, but psychological factors such as stress, depression, and performance anxiety can also play a role. Therefore, it is important to communicate these thoughts and feelings to your partner.
Rachel says that once you discover the formative memory, or root cause, of your erectile dysfunction, it’s a time to “see how it affected you and feel free of shame and empowered.” Say.
For example, you may have been bullied at school, made to feel worthless or stupid, and those feelings may have stayed with you as an adult. It’s also possible that a past relationship made you feel powerless. Once you’ve identified that moment, Rachel works her therapeutic magic there.
Rachel says: “During the session, ask, ‘How do you feel about that now?’
“So what I want you to feel is, ‘I’m over it,’ or ‘I feel great.’ wonderful. Let’s move on to the next thing. ”
Rachel says it’s usually enough to address the three core memories that caused your erectile dysfunction, as the process is “like knocking over a table.”
Once the three legs of the mental disorder are resolved, the other three often fall down and you can get an erection again.
More than 80% of men diagnosed with ED report a history of depression in the past, and the constant cycle of mental health issues and subsequent erectile dysfunction can have a major impact on their lives. There is a gender.
“Erectile dysfunction can have an overall negative impact,” says Rachel, noting that our self-perception can affect everything from work to relationships.
Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Combat Erectile Dysfunction:
- Lose weight if you are overweight
- I don’t smoke
- eat a healthy diet
- daily exercise
- Limit alcohol intake to less than 14 units per week
- If you ride your bike for more than three hours a week, don’t ride for a while.
Source: NHS
Overcoming mental obstacles may seem difficult, but Rachel seems to think it’s an “easy solution.”
“One to three sessions are usually enough. It’s really easy and effortless,” she says.
There’s no need to say, “Come back next week and we can talk about it for the next 20 years.” I don’t believe that, I truly believe that life is meant to be lived, not fought. ”
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor. It will eliminate physical health symptoms. Medication is usually the recommended treatment, but for those looking for another treatment, could hypnotherapy be the answer?
You can listen to this week’s episode in full here
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