Q: I have missed Mass several times over the past few weeks due to extreme weather. My parish has a Facebook channel for him, so I watched the service there instead. I could not receive Holy Communion. But in a conversation with a priest, he said that even in such situations a person can receive invisibly or symbolically and be fed either way. . Could you please comment? (Southern Indiana)
A: Watching a livestream or pre-recorded Mass is not the same as attending Mass in person and receiving Holy Communion. However, given the situation you described, it seems like watching Mass online was still a good way to be spiritually nourished in that particular situation.
Most Catholics are aware of our “Sunday duties,” or the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and certain major holidays that may overlap on other days of the week. Canon 1247 of the Code of Canon Law states: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are obliged to attend Mass.” Sometimes this word “participate” is translated as “help at the Mass” from the original Latin “participandi”. This emphasizes the idea that the faithful should “participate fully consciously and actively” in the liturgical celebration (see “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, No. 14).
It is understood that to truly fully, consciously and actively participate in the Mass, literal and physical presence in the liturgy is necessary. For this reason, watching Mass on a screen is a failure to fulfill your Sunday obligations.
Having said that, the Church intends that all our duties be rooted in common sense, and a fundamental principle of common law is that no one can be obliged to do the impossible. about it. Therefore, even if you are truly unable to attend Mass in person due to inclement weather, illness, geographical distance from the Catholic Church, etc., you are not bound by Sunday obligations as long as these conditions are met . The situation continues.
However, even if we are unable to attend Mass and therefore do not need to attend Mass, the commandment to “keep the Sabbath day holy” still applies, and even then we should spend Sundays especially for rest and prayer. You should do everything you can to keep it as a day. . In fact, Canon Law 1248(2) states: It is about devoting appropriate time to prayer alone, as a family, or even in family groups. ” In my own opinion, carefully watching the broadcast Mass and reverently following the readings and prayers is in line with the personal prayer recommended by Canon No. 1248 in situations where in-person Mass attendance is not possible. I think it matches very well with the time.
Similarly, the grace that comes with receiving the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Communion is not something that can be replaced by an online broadcast. However, our Catholic tradition is full of beautiful prayers for “spiritual communion.” In Communion, we express our longing to receive Jesus at least spiritually, even if we cannot physically receive Him in the Eucharist.
It should also be noted that, strictly speaking, Catholics are only technically required to receive Holy Communion once a year during Easter (see Canon Law 920). It is perfectly legitimate to attend Mass and refrain from receiving Holy Communion. And there are some situations in which Catholics should attend Mass to fulfill their Sunday obligations, but also partake of the Eucharist. For example, if a person has committed a serious sin and has not yet received forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance, or if they have not observed the Sacrament of Penance. Obligatory one hour fasting before receiving Holy Communion.
Jenna Marie Cooper, certified in canon law, is a consecrated virgin and churchgoer who writes a weekly column for OSV News. Send questions to her at CatholicQA@osv.com.