Does energy healing work? Charlie Goldsmith knows that to be true and if seeing is believing, his new show will make you a believer. healer At TLC.
But this is not smoke and mirrors. The Australian energy healer, who reluctantly discovered his talent at the age of 18, is now on a mission to bring energy medicine mainstream. To date, Mr. Goldsmith has volunteered his time and talents to his two scientific studies. Additional double-blind trials are planned for 2018.
In the first study published in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine In 2015, it treated 50 reports of pain with a 76% success rate and 29 reports of non-pain issues with a 79% success rate. This research, conducted at New York University’s Lutheran Hospital, is what attracted Bunim/Murray’s attention and earned them a television contract. The second installment is still in progress.
Goldsmith spent years healing as many people as possible before the research was conducted in public. Countless doctors and traditional medicine have failed. He has never claimed compensation for his work. His day-to-day job includes managing his creative agency Cassette, which he founded at age 19, and his managing director at Pumpy Jackson, the clean, sugar-free chocolate brand he also founded. Includes working as.
Goldsmith’s success rate is undoubtedly high; It provides relief for people of all ages from chronic pain to infections to autoimmune diseases, often within 60 seconds. But he confessed to me that it wasn’t exactly art.
“To be honest, sometimes I work on something…medically It seems simple but it’s not repair that. And something that is medically complex, like something that cannot be medically cured, may be very easy for me,” he said.
On Goldsmith’s site, Dr. Ramsey Jodet of New York University Lutheran Medical Center attests to Goldsmith’s miraculous healing powers:
“Most of our narcotics reduce a patient’s pain by three to five points. If you go from 10 to 5, meaning the worst pain imaginable, that’s significant. In some cases, Charlie reduced pain from 10 to zero. Charlie also treats people with infections that don’t respond to antibiotics. He sees patients’ conditions change from stagnation to rapid healing. Numbers I can’t quantify it, but I can say that Charlie shortened the hospital stay for patients. Watching him work has been humbling in the most extreme way.”
Energy-based healing, which is routinely touted as “alternative medicine,” is actually a practice that has been around for centuries. Many traditional treatments are based on the belief in the balance and harmony of life energy, the energy that flows within all living things. Although there are some differences between different schools of thought, it is generally accepted that energy imbalances and disturbances in the flow of energy, even the slightest, are the cause of disease. This is also seen in traditional Chinese medicine, where energy is called qi and energy channels are called meridians. In Japanese medicine, known as Chinese medicine, this energy is called qi. And in ancient Indian medicine, Ayurveda, this life force is known as “prana” and travels in “nadis.”
In modern times, this energy is called a biofield. This is an anomaly to traditional Western medicine and is obvious to the human eye, but science has verified its existence. Dr. Beverly Rubik, arfamous The biophysicist has praised her research, which cuts across cutting-edge science and medicine, explaining on her website:
“The biofield, the energy field of living systems, offers a new perspective that complements the mainstream biochemical view of life. It is Mother Nature’s original Wi-Fi and a new communication system in biology. This is the basis of energy medicine, where invisible fields transmit important biological information. This is the basis of energy medicine, where softer, gentler therapies work in harmony with the body’s innate dynamics.”
When I spoke to Goldsmith, I asked him how he justifies his amazing abilities. I also referenced several studies, including the work of Dr. Gary E. Schwartz. This study confirmed that a Reiki practitioner’s hands had significantly increased magnetic field leakage during a 1-minute “running energy” session compared to his 1-minute baseline session at rest. . In another study by Dr. Beverly Rubik, Dr. Harry Jabbs demonstrated that biophoton emissions from a healer’s hands decreased by 11% after healing.
Goldsmith said: “I’m not going to try to explain why it can be done because I don’t have the knowledge. What I’m more concerned with is that it can be done. And if you can demonstrate it. I’m very happy.”
He also said he didn’t want to speculate about why he was able to act the way he did for fear that if he was wrong, “it might distract me from what I was supposed to be doing.” [he] I know that to be true. ”
I was curious how someone would explain energy healing to a non-believer, so I reached out. Renowned energy medicine practitioners and researchers Dr. Daniel J. Benner.Holistic Psychiatrist and author of the following books: Healing Research, Volume 1 I answered,
“Quantum physics energy These are two aspects of the same thing, and it is generally accepted that this also applies to inanimate objects. There is no reason to think that the same cannot be true for living things such as the human body. While conventional medicine targets the physical body, healers and other bioenergetic therapists target the bioenergetic body. ”
With great determination, he insisted that he would continue to examine energy healing until medical science asked the following questions: Are we going to somehow replicate this through technology, or are we going to find people who are born with this ability?”
Goldsmith explained the process: “It’s similar to what people often say about moving your awareness around your body when you meditate. Except that there is.”
But he pointed out that you can never intuitively know what is bothering someone. He needs direction and feedback and is methodical with that information. “I [don’t] Just pray and hope for the best. That doesn’t work for me…I have to actually participate in the process…I can put my energy into something. I may be focusing on an infection and taking it away from someone,” he clarified, but noted that from the outside, perhaps to the viewer, all his healings look the same. I admit it.
At the end of our interview, Goldsmith concluded: “I’m going to keep demonstrating that until I don’t have the energy to demonstrate it anymore, and I hope that some of the questions about why that is possible will be answered.”
If you’re still on the fence, tune in to TLC on Mondays at 10/9 Central and let Goldsmith make you believe. He certainly made it for me.