In a meditation room behind a hawthorn tree in downtown Cheyenne, Joshua Bundy, owner of Full Moon Hypnosis, uses past-life regression hypnosis to help client Damien Murcott deal with several issues. I am.
Bundy believes that clients can find past life resources to solve current life problems.
psychodynamic loop
Bundy said there are many definitions of hypnosis, but his favorite is “a beneficial psychodynamic loop.”
He said there is a healing exchange between him and his clients.
“So we’re both going to benefit from that. When you do the healing, I get the healing,” Bundy said.
Above the dressing table in the corner of the room is a metal sculpture in the shape of a bonsai tree with polished stone leaves. A set of candles stands next to the tree, and gentle music plays from the coffee shop downstairs.
As a teenager, Murcott said she had a very bad relationship with her stepfather. His mother wanted someone to love her, but it scared her and she couldn’t get out of the relationship for years.
“Since then, all I’ve always dealt with is memories, which I don’t like,” Murcott said.
Murcott, who has permission from his mother to work with Bundy, sits at a table, hands clasped, eyes closed peacefully as Bundy guides the teenager into his past lives.
drift free
Between Murcott’s hands is a token, which Bundy calls an anchor. An anchor can be a coin, necklace, or other ornament that allows you to deposit resources across time and space.
“Count backwards quickly, and as soon as you hit one, go up, jump off your body and into the air… drift free… drift,” Bundy tells Marcotte in a soothing tone.
As Bundy counted backwards, Murcott’s shoulders slumped and his face went slack. Bundy then instructs them to reach into their past lives to find positive experiences, such as academic achievements or times when they overcame something mentally.
“Pay attention to whether you are day or night. Pay attention to whether you are alone or with others, what you see, hear, and smell. Please,” Bundy says.
Bundy constantly drops words of encouragement here and there, and Murcott searches for memories of the life he’s lived so far.
former skeptic
“I used to be very skeptical about this kind of thing,” Bundy said.
He has a background in psychology, which is reflected in some of his techniques. He developed his unique approach to it while training under many past life regression hypnotists and earning many certifications along the way.
“Most past life regressions are shitty trauma therapy,” Bundy said.
He is a conversational hypnotist by training, a technique used to put people into trance states, but he does not follow the strict trance induction methods used by psychologists.
“So I hypnotize people, but they never seem hypnotized. They don’t realize it sometimes,” Bundy said.
He said memory loss could be a natural byproduct of hypnosis, but it’s not as mysterious as it seems.
“We’re going to sit here and talk for 20 minutes, and there’s going to be a lot of conversations that we don’t even remember,” Bundy said.
He said some people found the sessions helpful, but they didn’t feel hypnotized and didn’t think they got what they paid for.
meditation session
There is no science to back up Bundy’s research, and he does not claim to have studies or studies that objectively prove the sessions are effective.
But he said he has satisfied clients, including clients from other countries who have been hypnotized through Zoom meetings.
He uses tarot cards and veers into the occult, but he doesn’t use them in the way a fortune teller would. It’s similar to a therapist asking a patient to look at an ink stain.
The images on the cards represent the emotions and resources that Bundy’s clients have chosen to guide their discussions.
Throughout his sessions with Murcott, Bundy doesn’t make suggestions like a therapist would, such as going for a jog or writing down daily affirmations. It’s a kind of meditation.
By the end of the session, the teenager’s mood was brighter and she was smiling.
“Feels great, doesn’t it?” Bundy asks him.
“Yes. I realized that I felt really happy before, so I can be happy again,” Marcotte replies.
You can contact Bundy. here.