Flower essences are liquid energy medicines made from the flowers of living plants that can be used to address serious issues such as emotional well-being, spiritual development, and physical and mental health.
In this safe space, you will have deep exposure to flower essences that support the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra, or svadhisthana chakra in Sanskrit, is the center of personal power, passion, creativity and intimacy.
A balanced sacral chakra supports relationships based on healthy self-expression, boundaries, and values such as honesty and loyalty, so knowing and respecting these values becomes essential for optimal health.
This class combines instruction, guided meditation, and time for personal reflection.
$38 per class or $100 for a 3-pack of this series
About Amanda Peaslee: Amanda Peaslee is an intuitive herbalist with a passion for promoting physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. At the heart of my work is the belief that health is not simply the absence of disease, but the act of supporting the mind, body and spirit to work together in a harmonious relationship with ourselves, our environment and all our non-human kin.
The website is www.puremindbodyspirit.net.
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/pure_mind_body_spirit