Acupuncture for macular degeneration shows promise in research, but experts say more high-quality evidence is needed before this form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) becomes a mainstream treatment. That’s what I think.
Acupuncture is a type of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been used for thousands of years. This involves inserting delicate, thin needles into the skin in the area of your body that corresponds to the symptoms you are experiencing.
Although the underlying mechanism of acupuncture is still not fully understood,
Although most of the research supporting acupuncture focuses on pain relief, more and more people are also considering acupuncture to treat eye conditions such as macular degeneration.
There is some evidence that acupuncture can help with macular degeneration, an eye disease clinically known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
However, the evidence that does exist is often considered to be of low quality, and further high-quality research is needed before acupuncture can be unequivocally declared as a treatment option.
A 2022 review of TCM for AMD concluded that while TCM approaches show promise, their use is limited by the lack of scientific evidence behind these practices .
Overall, the review authors say that acupuncture has potential for AMD, but more rigorously designed studies are needed to support the success of this technique.
It appears that higher quality evidence is also needed for the use of acupuncture for other eye diseases.
The 2020 overview points out that biases that exist in current research studies are hindering confirmation of the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating eye diseases.
What about micro-acupuncture for macular degeneration?
Micro-acupuncture, also known as Emmayaorin acupuncture, is a relatively new form of acupuncture that uses more intensive and concentrated acupuncture treatments.
The benefits of acupuncture for macular degeneration are rooted in TCM theory and scientific method theory.
Key points for macular degeneration
TCM theory believes that illness is the result of an imbalance in Qi, the natural flow of life energy.
Acupuncture is used as a tool in TCM to manipulate blood, body fluids, and Qi by stimulating meridians, which are organ-specific energy channels throughout the body.
AMD in TCM theory
AMD has also been linked to the liver meridian, as blood flooding is also considered essential for eye function in TCM.
Chinese medicine theory states that when the spleen and Qi movement are impaired, macular blood can flow out of the blood vessels. To regulate this, acupuncture focuses on the spleen and liver channels, which help regulate eye qi and blood flow.
scientific method theory
Outside of TCM theory, scientific method theory attempts to explain how acupuncture works for macular degeneration.
Among the aforementioned
Acupuncture may also improve microcirculation in the macular area. This increased circulation may eliminate fluid buildup and bleeding in the macula and improve the delivery of nutrients necessary for healthy eye function.
AMD is an age-related degenerative eye disease. It affects the part of the retina called the macula, which is responsible for central vision.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, dry AMD is the most common form of AMD, in which the macula thins with age and builds up protein clumps known as drusen. In the early stages of dry AMD, there may be no symptoms, but as it progresses, you may notice symptoms such as:
- Blurred central vision
- Distortion of shape objects
- Lines appear wavy, curved, or curved
- color distortion
- A dark or blank spot in the center of your vision
Wet AMD is associated with faster vision loss. It occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow around the retina, leaking blood and fluids and causing inflammation, edema, and scarring over time.
The symptoms of wet AMD are the same as dry AMD, and dry AMD can transform into wet AMD at any stage.
the current
Wet AMD is associated with more advanced vision loss and later stages of AMD. Once central vision is lost due to AMD, it cannot be regained.
According to a 2022 review, the use of acupuncture for macular degeneration is considered safe in clinical practice with no apparent side effects.
In general, properly administered acupuncture has few side effects.negative side effects
- infection
- organ with a hole
- central nervous system damage
It is not uncommon to experience pain, bruising, and inflammation at the site where the needle was inserted. Some people report muscle cramps and fatigue.
You may also notice a tingling, numbness, or “heavy” sensation in your body during your session.
The jury is still out on the use of acupuncture for macular degeneration. Although research supports the benefits of this TCM technology for AMD, its effectiveness remains questionable due to the low quality of existing evidence.
More high-quality research is needed to solidify the benefits of acupuncture for AMD, which may include improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress.