An anti-aging doctor has revealed the daily habits of people who know how to maintain a youthful appearance.
It turns out that the 5 top techniques for achieving younger-looking skin don’t require expensive products or procedures.
What are you eating?
Dr. Michael Aziz, physician and author of The Ageless Revolution, reveals the lowdown on anti-aging skincare to The Sun.
One of the most important habits for maintaining smooth skin isn’t what you put on your body, but what you put into your body.
“Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and fish, and manage stress effectively,” he said.
You can also add some simple steps to your routine.
“Make skin care a priority by using a high SPF sunscreen every day, moisturizing after washing your face and exfoliating regularly,” he said.
Another habit that will make the biggest difference is getting some beauty sleep.
According to Dr Aziz, getting enough sleep “increases blood flow to the skin, improving its appearance.”
If you want to avoid wrinkles, he advises you to avoid smoking.
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“It creates free radicals that are damaging to the skin,” he says.
These aren’t the only things that healthy skin care practitioners avoid to prevent the signs of aging.
“Avoid sunlight and UV rays, which can cause serious damage to the skin,” he said.
He also stressed that expensive items don’t necessarily lighten the skin.
In fact, many expensive products can have harmful effects on your skin.
“Many people are fooled by advertising claims and end up buying expensive treatments from big box department stores which, although they may feel good to use, often contain harmful chemicals, parabens, dyes and alcohol and can dry out the skin,” he said.
Dr. Aziz has always preferred more natural ingredients.
Why does our skin develop wrinkles as we age?
Dr. Michael Aziz, physician and author of the upcoming book, “The Ageless Revolution,” reveals five habits of people who look younger.
“As we age, we lose collagen and elastin fibers break down,” Dr Aziz told the US Sun.
“In addition, as you reach your 30s, the amount of fat underneath your skin decreases, weakening the skin’s support.
“As a result, what was once smooth and plump becomes loose, shriveled and wrinkles appear.
“However, solutions do exist to generate collagen, including new devices offered by local dermatologists, microneedling and ultrasound devices.
“Cosmetic procedures like fat transfer are also becoming more popular among plastic surgeons.”
And the best part is, many of these grocery and drug store items aren’t too expensive.
“Because skin is made of proteins, it is beneficial to use products that contain natural compounds such as vitamin C, which is known for its anti-ageing properties and for supporting the skin’s natural renewal processes.”
“Retinol (vitamin A) is great for reducing wrinkles, and creams with peptides help with collagen production,” he continues.
“Natural moisturizers such as cocoa butter, shea butter and coconut oil are also effective at hydrating the skin.”
His recently published book also offers tips on longevity and fighting disease.