1099 Jay Street, Building J
Rochester, NY 14611
Narcan Training Now Available
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For group training and presentations on Narcan and addiction, [email protected].
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Monroe Mental Health Mobile App
new The Monroe Mental Health App provides residents of Monroe County, NY with important mental and behavioral health information. The app includes acute and outpatient resources, suicide prevention services, Narcan information and training, and the ability to create your own safety plan with actionable steps for harm reduction.
Dr. April Aycock
The Monroe County Department of Mental Health (MCOMH) is committed to improving the health and quality of life for county residents affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcohol and other drugs.
MCOMH is an executive branch within the New York State Department of Human Resources Services, the government agency authorized to receive and allocate public mental health funds pursuant to New York State law. As the agency responsible for systemic oversight and promotion of prevention and treatment programs, MCOMH:
- Develop a comprehensive county plan for mental health, developmental disabilities, and alcohol/drug abuse services.
- It allocates funding to local agencies based on community priorities, treatment outcomes, and program performance.
- Ensures coordination of services across multiple levels of care and various community providers.
- Support systems transformation to provide flexible services that are person/family-centered, strengths-based, culturally appropriate, recovery-oriented, and evidence-based.
To accomplish these objectives, MCOMH oversees the local service system through a variety of subcontracting agreements, provides financial oversight and technical assistance to agencies, and collaborates extensively with other DHS and county departments, service providers, and community groups. Provider contracts are overseen on MCOMH’s behalf by Coordinated Care Services, Inc. (CCSI). For more information about CCSI, click here.
How the Mental Health Office can help you:
- This website identifies mental health, developmental disabilities, and alcohol and other drug services offered in Monroe County.
- Information about the Social Law Center and Outpatient Treatment Support can be found on this website.
- This provides an opportunity for you to share your thoughts about the Monroe County Mental Health System. See the Community Services Committee for more information.
- Resolve any issues or concerns regarding access to or quality of services