Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 1, after completing 45 hours of meditation at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari, said he would always dedicate every moment of his life in the service of the nation.
Read also:At Vivekananda-linked universities, academics are divided over Modi’s “meditation”.‘
In a Hindi note posted on X by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, PM Modi said he felt the divine energy during his visit to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at the southernmost tip of India. “It is on this rock that Mother Parvati and Swami Vivekananda meditated. Later Eknath Ranade transformed the rock into ‘Sheela Smarak’, embodying Swami Vivekananda’s ideas. Swami Vivekananda, a leader of spiritual revival, is my ideal, my energy and the source of my spirituality,” he said.
PM Modi said, “Many years ago, when Swami Vivekananda meditated here after his journey across India, it was here that he envisioned a new direction for India’s rebirth. Today, after so many years, I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to meditate at this sacred place, when India stands for the values and ideals of Swami Vivekananda.”
“This meditation on ‘Sheela Smarak’ is one of the unforgettable moments of my life. Seated at the feet of ‘Ma Bharati’, I reiterate my resolve to always dedicate every moment of my life and every limb of my being in the service of the nation. I wish the progress of the nation and the well-being of its people and offer my highest respects to ‘Ma Bharati’,” PM Modi said.
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