Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday performed ‘Surya Argya’ during sunrise at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and then entered the third and final day of meditation, officials said.
PM Modi performed the Surya Argya ritual, which involves spiritual practice including sun worship.
The Prime Minister reportedly poured a little water from a small traditional beaker-like vessel into the ocean as an offering (argya) and prayed using prayer beads (japa mala).
Modi also reportedly wore a saffron outfit and paid floral tributes to the statue of Swami Vivekananda.
He walked around the Mandapam with the ‘Japa Mala’ in his hand.
Kanyakumari is famous for its sunrises and sunsets and the memorial is on a small island close to the coast. The Prime Minister will begin his meditation at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial on the evening of May 30 and conclude it on Saturday evening.
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