Prime Minister Narendra Modi began a 45-hour long ‘dhyan’ (meditation) at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial on May 30 evening after offering special prayers at the Sri Bhagavathi Amman Temple on the coast in Kanniyakumari district.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari on May 30, 2024. | Photo Credit: PTI
PM Modi, who arrived in Kanniyakumari from Thiruvananthapuram airport by helicopter just after 5 pm, drove to the shrine from the helipad at Tamil Nadu Guest House and offered prayers. Swami Vivekananda also reportedly offered prayers before beginning his meditation on the rock. He was greeted with a ‘shawl’ and ‘prasadam’ and was also presented with a portrait of Sri Bhagavathi Amman.
Modi, accompanied by four Coast Guard speedboats, set off for the rock monument at 6.10 pm on the recently refurbished ferry ‘Vivekananda’. The prime minister entered the meditation hall at 6.28 pm and began a lengthy meditation.
The Prime Minister is scheduled to stay in the memorial’s meditation hall until the evening of June 1st.
Former Gujarat Public Service Commissioner S R Patani, who had come from Vadodara for the event, said Swami Vivekananda attained realisation of ‘Bharat Mata’ after darshan at Sri Bhagavathi Amman temple and ‘meditation’ on a rock.
“Similarly, Modi, who is a staunch follower of Swami Vivekananda, will also come up with many ideas for a new and developed India after his meditation,” Dr Patani said.
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