Religious and spiritual opportunities on campus
The Truitt Center provides weekly opportunities for worship, religious services, and other spiritual practices on campus during school hours.
Numen Lumen Thursday Tradition: From Thursday Inspiration to weekly prayer and worship hosted by Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim communities, to weekly gatherings for yoga and meditation, discover your own in Truitt. You can find ways to connect with spirituality. center.
Fall 2023 Products
Numen Lumen: Thursday Inspiration
Thursday, 9:50am – 10:20am – Numen Lumen Pavilion Sacred Space
Numen Lumen is a time and space where you can take a break from the busyness of the week and refresh your mind. It is a time of reflection and a way to strengthen our community by co-creating spaces where we can courageously share the stories that make us and receive with love. We are grateful to our speakers for sharing their stories, their time, and their gifts of humanity. There will also be weekly musical performances by students, faculty, staff, and special guests. Videos are posted every Thursday on his Truitt Center blog. This year’s theme is “Meaningful Relationships Matter.”
meditation and yoga
These spiritual opportunities are offered to all students from a variety of religious and secular traditions.
Monday, 7:30pm – Elon Yoga Club
The Yoga Club is open to students of all backgrounds and skill levels who are interested in practicing yoga together as a spiritual practice (interfaith, religious, and non-religious welcome). The yoga club will be held at the Numen Lumen Pavilion. Connect with Elon Yoga Club on PhoenixCONNECT.
Thursday, 4:30pm – Iron Tree Flowering Meditation
Learn and practice meditation in community with others. No experience required. Iron Tree Bloom is a group for students associated with Rinzai Zen, a tradition-based practice that is not faith-based. In the fall of 2023, the group will sit in the meditation garden next to the Numen Lumen Pavilion if weather permits, or inside the Numen Lumen if it rains. Connect with Iron Tree Bloomin on PhoenixCONNECT.
Mindfulness – Mindful Elon
Sunday 10am – Catholic Mass
Mass will be celebrated in the sacred space of the Numen Lumen Pavilion. Please check the Catholic Campus Ministry website for details on Mass locations and times.
Sunday 4:30pm – LEAF Protestant Christian Worship
LEAF worship takes place in the sacred space of the Numen Lumen Pavilion. For information about the event, please contact Rev. Julie Tonnesen, LEAF Campus Minister.
For other Christian worship events on campus, see Christian Life at Elon. Click here to learn more about open and affirming worship in Elon and the local community.
Friday 5:30pm – Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Visit Hillel’s website for locations and times. Hillel also celebrates major holidays throughout the year.
Friday 1:30pm – Juma Prayer, Numen Lumen Pavilion Room 210
For information about Muslim prayers and events, please contact Imam Shane Atkinson. There is a prayer room (Numen Lumen Pavilion 210) that anyone can use in the Numen Lumen Pavilion, and an ablution room located in the men’s and women’s restrooms on the first floor of the Numen Lumen Pavilion.