Friday, April 5, 2024
Media Contact: Sydney Trainor | Communications and Media Relations Specialist | 405-744-9782 |
Going to college, leaving home, and feeling lonely are common stressors for students. Regardless of a pre-existing diagnosis, these factors can lead to mental health crises and substance abuse issues in students.
Oklahoma State University recently welcomed Dr. Kaylin Lu, the campus’ first psychiatrist specializing in mental health and addiction issues, to assist students.
“Dr. Lu has experience working with children, adolescents, and adults,” said Dr. Sarah Coffey, interim chair of the OSU Health Sciences Center’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. “She is working with several students on the Stillwater campus through virtual services with OSU and looks forward to seeing patients in person at the University Health Services Center on campus.”
During her stay, Ms. Lu worked with the National Center for Health and Recovery, receiving training in addiction psychiatry and medicine, increasing her expertise and providing valuable guidance.
“In addition to her work with the incredible clinical team at the University Health Services Center, Dr. Lu will continue to work with the athletics department to support the behavioral health needs of our amazing student-athletes.” Coffey said.
Lu provides mental health services to students in-person at UHS and Gallagher-Iba Arena three days a week and virtually two days a week.
“For this generation of students, there is less stigma against seeking mental health help, but college is a very fast-paced, high-pressure environment that can be stressful and stimulating,” Lu said. Ta. “Mental health and self-care are usually the first things affected. It’s great to see students being more open to seeking help for existing issues or issues that are occurring for the first time. On Campus , especially at UHS, there are many ways for people to connect with mental health resources.”
Lu currently only sees students, but hopes to expand his practice to include faculty in the future. From her own experience at her own university, she knows the stress and excitement that comes with college, and she hopes to use this understanding to support students.
“Students are the ones who lay the groundwork for appropriate mental health support at a critical time in their lives,” Lu said. “There are a lot of long-term benefits and benefits to this.”
The OSU-CHS campus fostered a positive, unified, family-oriented atmosphere that inspired Lu to apply to residency programs and ultimately led her to OSU’s psychiatry program. In her new role, Ms. Lu aims to maintain UHS’s welcoming atmosphere.
“Our current classes, including freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, have unfortunately spent a significant amount of their high school years in the midst of COVID-19,” Lu said. “This is a critical developmental period for young people, and the byproducts of that isolation are now manifesting in substance use problems and uncontrolled depression and anxiety. For these people, there are support options available. It is especially important to know that there are
“What drew me to work at OSU beyond residency is how this campus has responded to the current mental health crisis, especially under the leadership of Dr. Schramm, a DO alumnus.” Our academic departments and various counseling and psychological services are just a few examples of places that are working tirelessly to improve and support mental health resources on campus.”
Lu started at UHS in January and works to help patients uncover the root causes of stress, depression, anxiety and substance abuse, and takes a holistic approach to addressing these issues. We aim to do so.
“I hope to be an additional positive resource for students,” Lu said. “Although psychiatric pharmacotherapy is my area of expertise, I practice medicine in a very osteopathic way, which means that when determining the most appropriate treatment, I , consider social health. Every student is different and I am here to meet them where they are. Whether they are just adjusting to the pace of campus life or are away from home for the first time. Everyone is going through their own battles, no matter what.”