Ted Shafley/Associated Press
The terms “spirituality” and “spirituality” have been difficult for religious researchers and scholars to define. Does being spiritual involve a sense of wonder? Does spirituality include a feeling of happiness and peace? Does it require belief in God or a higher power? ?The term is so flexible that it seems to be able to include any number of different ideas and experiences.?
A new study from Pew Research examines what the word “spiritual” means to people who describe themselves that way. It also examines the beliefs and practices of people who claim to be “spiritual but not religious.”
In “American Spirituality,” Dr. Pew surveyed more than 11,000 people earlier this year and found that 7 out of 10 American adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way. discovered.
Nearly half say they are religious and spiritual. This means that while they participate in religious institutions, they also have personal spiritual practices and ways of thinking about the world that are not necessarily based on formal religious traditions.
22% of U.S. adults say they are spiritual but not religious. 21% say they are not spiritual or religious; and 10% said they were religious but not spiritual.
The religious landscape in the United States has changed in recent years and has become significantly more diverse. Although the country remains Christian-majority, the proportions of Jews and Muslims are also increasing, as are the numbers of other religious groups, including Hindus and Buddhists.
But researchers have tracked an overall decline in religious affiliation, meaning fewer Americans say they are members of a particular religious group. are doing.
“A lot of people have tried to understand that,” says Becca Alper, Pew’s lead researcher. “Are Americans becoming more secular? Are they becoming more spiritual?”
Alper said the researchers wanted to better understand spiritual beliefs, practices and experiences.
Some of the findings include:
83% of all U.S. adults believe that humans have a soul or spirituality in addition to their physical bodies.
81% say there is something spiritual beyond the natural world, even if it is invisible.
74% say there are some things that science can’t explain.
45% said they suddenly felt a connection to something from outside this world.
38% said they had felt a strong sense that the deceased was communicating with them from beyond this world.
30% say they have personally encountered spirits or invisible forces.
What does “spiritual” mean?
When it comes to understanding the meaning of the word “spiritual,” a majority (74%) say it means “connecting with something bigger than yourself.” 70% of those surveyed said that “spiritual” specifically means “a connection to God.” 64% say it means “connecting with your true self.” Only 40% of respondents said being spiritual means following a particular religious belief.
But people also have different understandings of the word spiritual, such as connecting with nature, connecting with other people, connecting with deceased loved ones, opening one’s heart, or simply continuing a family tradition. I am reporting.
Common to many aspects of what it means to be spiritual is the word “connect.”
One interesting finding is that the experiences of evangelical Christians (predominantly white) and members of historically black Protestant churches are similar. Majorities in both groups say they experience a deep sense of well-being at least once a month because of their spiritual beliefs and practices. The same was less true of other religious groups, such as Catholics and mainline Protestants.
various religious experiences
The Pew survey also gave respondents the opportunity to explain in their own words what being spiritual means to them. Anonymous responses ranged widely and included:
“Being one with your soul, your emotions, your emotions, your actions.”
“Believing in something bigger and more creative than science.”
“Be one with the universe!”
“The belief that a Supreme Being is the Creator of the universe and that human existence in this realm is temporary.”
“It means having a belief system that includes a relationship with God and a responsibility to do the right thing.”
This survey is the first time Pew has asked so many questions specifically about spirituality, so trends cannot be established from the data. Rather, says Alper, “the purpose of this study is to establish a baseline.”
Pew plans to continue asking these and similar questions over the next few years to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of American religion and spirituality.